35- Unravelled Tension

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Phil ignores his friends attempts to pull him away from the window, his eyes stare out into the night, desperately trying to spot Dan.
It's been about an hour since Dan had texted him saying he's on his way back from the shops. He starts fearing the worse and can't help the wave of concern.

Behind him, PJ also starts to worry, but keeps calm for the church boys sake. He knows what Dans like and that the boy is prone to getting into fights. He's usually arrived back late with cuts and bruises over his face.

Louise and Emma has long since gone home, Chris staying and currently attempting to make the circumstances light hearted. He gives out sweets and tells quirky little jokes, non of which seem to make Phil react positively.

Phil's eyes then glance to Dans tall figure walking up the path towards the house, a large smile stretching across his lips.

"He's back!" He exclaims, PJ smiling with relief and going to answer the door. Chris also sits down on the sofa and breathes out, thankful that his friend is safe.

However, Phil scans Dans face through the window and doesn't miss the obvious blank stare the boy has, the cold look in his eyes that are even noticeable in the dark. It sends shivers down his spine and it brings up a bad feeling in his gut.

The front door opens and Phil turns around for when he enters the room.

PJ walks in first, seemingly confused as Dan follows, his head hung low as his hands are shoved tightly into his pockets, his eyes skittishly skipping around the room before landing on the church boy.
Phil grins and can't help but rush over, knocking Dan back slightly when engulfing him in a hug. 

Phil doesn't miss the fact that Dan doesn't hug back. It's silent and awkward.

He pulls away and frowns when seeing Dan looking away in almost disgust.
"Dan?" His heart drops as the brown eyed boy pushes him away gently and walks over to Chris who widens his eyes.

"Smoke?" Dan requests. Chris nods and gets a packet out from his pocket, handing it to Dan with slightly hesitation. "Cheers." He then walks out to the back garden through the kitchen. Leaving all his friends to watch in almost horror.

Phil swallows thickly and tries to hold back the tears. This isn't like Dan.

Before PJ can even stop him, Phil walks after Dan and to the back garden, Chris worriedly looking back as he goes.
PJ has seen this behaviour in Dan before and he knows straight away that he's been talking with Charlie. This is the way he would act and then go to PJ for comfort; the comfort in which the curly haired boy can't give out now. That's Phil's job. And this isn't a good thing.

Phil opens the back door, the smell of smoke hitting him and nearly making him choke. He coughs softly, making Dan tense up and shuffle awkwardly.
Phil closes the door to stop the smoke getting into the house and walks forward, timidly standing beside his boyfriend.

The air is thick with tension. Why there's tension Phil does not know, but either way, Dan isn't acting like himself especially when he was so happy earlier. Surely not much could've changed since he went to the shops?

"I've never watched Tarzan before. It was good, I liked the music." Phil speaks up, then sucking in his lips as Dan throws his cigarette down, purposely avoiding eye contact. The church boy tries again. "Won't be sleeping early tonight thanks to that nap. We could... I dunno... Watch our own film when we get home?"

"I'm tired." Dan replies blankly.

"Right." Phil nods and smiles in understanding, then breathing out and properly looking towards Dan. "What's wrong? You seem off."

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