55- Depart

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Phil nuzzles closer to the warmth that's holding him, a sleepy sigh leaving his lips as he finally opens his eyes, noticing the arms entangled around him. He blinks a few times and recollects his thoughts. Dan is at the hospital. This isn't Dan.

He glances up and chokes when seeing Charlie fast asleep, almost wanting to bound backwards and to get as far away as possible from this almost unbelievable situation. However, he calms down and his eyes get caught on Charlie's face, his bruises faded a little more from yesterday.

Phil then slowly and carefully untangles himself from Charlie's embrace and manages to stand up, without waking his guest. He scratches the back of his neck with a yawn following, his eyes adjusting and brain piecing together what happened last night.

He remembers the domestic he had with Dan, that of which he'll fix later when he goes back to the hospital. He remembers how Charlie and him bonded like brothers, a real friendship of trust and security blooming.

In a way, he's happy that he and Charlie are friends, he's happy that the past can be put behind them and buried beneath cold memories. There's a few thing's that Phil won't forgive easily though. Things such as the trouble he caused between the relationship and the fact he actually managed to put Dan into hospital, Charlie isn't suddenly perfect just because they're now friends, Phil knows that there are still some major flaws in this whole situation.

After a few added seconds of observation, Phil decides that he should start getting ready to head back to the hospital. Hell, he was meant to be back there last night, but of course, there was distractions per usual.

He doesn't want to wake Charlie before he leaves if he can help it, so will resort to no fuss and simply changing his shirt and brushing his teeth. He'll leave a note for Charlie, requesting him to be out the house by the end of today, considering if Dan does get better then he'd rather they didn't come back to a home with Charlie in.

As silently as possible, Phil goes into the bedroom and slips on one of Dan's black shirts, not caring much for how it looks.

The cat is positioned in a curled ball on the bed, it's paw covering it's fluffy face and tail acting like a snake as it's swirls around the neck of the feline. Phil's nose twitches a bit and he rolls his eyes at knowing he's going to have to change the bedsheets when they come back. There's cat fur everywhere.

Never the less, he smiles at the cat before heading in the bathroom to brush his teeth.

He wets the brush and applies the paste, glancing up into the mirror, only to widen his eyes at the sudden large, purple mark on his neck.

He drops the toothbrush and has closer inspection of the mark, poking it and to his horror, discovering that it is in fact a love bite.

"Morning," Charlie yawns from the bathroom doorway, Phil spinning round in shock. "Mind if I take a shower?"

"What the hell did you do to my neck?!" Phil exclaims, pointing to the mark that Charlie so quickly chuckles at before mumbling.

"Wasn't me."

"Then who else was it then? The bloody tooth fairy?! Cause I'm pretty sure I didn't do it to myself!" Phil snaps.

Charlie raises his hands with a innocent smile before removing his shirt, Phil's eyes narrowed towards the boy.

"I forgot to say that I sleep walk, or do sleep motion I suppose. Meaning I can go from hugging people to intensely making out with them. I didn't intentionally mean to destroy your neck, Phil." Charlie explains, throwing his shirt on the floor and then moving to undo his trousers which Phil immediately stops by grabbing his arm.

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