33- Family Get Together

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"Dan just get on top of me."

"I'm too big!"

"Oh my god, PJ that stuck right into my ribs!"

"Dan get on top!"

"Phil tops!"

All four boys collapse on to the floor from what was meant to be an attempt on a human pyramid. They've been trying for a good half an hour now whilst waiting for Emma and Louise to come over.
Emma's picking Louise up from uni so that's why they're taking so long.

Boredom started to set in on the boys and them being them, they started doing the most random things- one of those turning each other into 'pole dancers' and using each other as the poles. If anyone else saw them, they'd presume the four were drunk, but no, they're completely sober.

Phil lays down on Dan's lap and tries to catch his breath from the physical activity. Chris just pouts in disapproval.

"We could've made a pyramid, you're all so weak!" He exclaims, shutting up when PJ pulls him towards his chest, his arms almost cradling Chris' waist.

Phil smiles softly at the two and stares up at Dan, the brown eyed boy glancing down and meeting eyes. They both contently smile at each other before there's a knock on the door.
PJ huffs and let's go of Chris as he goes to answer it, Chris slapping the boys ass as he leaves.

It stays silent and Phil traces a scar going along Dan's showing chest. Dan has many scars and injuries, most likely from years of fights and- he dreads to think - but some most likely from Charlie. How someone could hurt Dan and then feel good about it makes Phil wonder in amazement at how unbelievably inhuman it is. He'd never hurt Dan intentionally.

Dan's eyes follow Phil's finger as it traces the scar, Chris also subtly watching them with a sweet smile on his face. He glances at Dan and can't help the feeling of almost proudness at how happy he is now.

Chris has been Dan's friend for a long time and in that time Dan has never been truly happy. But now he is.

The silence is broken as a loud squeal enters the house and Louise rushes in, heading towards the boys. She hugs both Dan and Phil, toppling them over in fits of laughter.

"My boys!" She exclaims, Chris pouting and clicking his tongue in mock offence.

"I see how it is, Louise." He huffs, dramatically pretending to flip his non-existent long hair.

Louise rolls her eyes and gets off Dan and Phil to hug Chris, Emma walking in after PJ with a bright smile on her face. She seems a lot more awake today than she did the other day.
Phil sits up whilst Dan stays led down, admiring his boyfriend for a few seconds... Well maybe more than a few.

Emma fully walks in, kicking her shoes off and taking her bag off her shoulder before pulling out a small black camera. "Look what I found last night. My old video camera." She states and suddenly everyone's interested. Emma becomes the main attraction of the room at that moment.
Dan sits up and tilts his head at the small object, noticing how Phil is super intrigued, the church boys eyes practically glued on to the object with such an intensity that Dan thinks he's going to explode from mere excitement.

PJ shakes his head, not nearly as interested before walking to the kitchen to most likely make refreshments, humming a random tune as he goes.

Emma sits cross legged with everyone else on the floor, placing the camera in front of her. Louise is seated beside Chris.

"Does it work?" Phil questions, leaning towards Emma to get a better look of the camera, straining his neck but not wanting to move his actual body as Dan has his legs around the church boys' waist, which to some would seem uncomfortable, but it's just nice for them.

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