52- Bye Thor

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A sizzling sensation of sound travels through out the apartment complex, vegan bacon and mushrooms causing an ambience of smell.

Louise hums to herself over the stove, proudly gazing upon her near finished delights. It's been far too long since she's gotten the chance to show off her cooking skills properly.

She slides and distributes the bacon and mushrooms onto two plates, her hand quickly wiping across her brow to remove the light sweat that had occurred during the activity of making breakfast. She then steps back and pouts at the measly presentation and realised that in retrospect, she's not made a lot. Hopefully Emma will appreciate it never the less.

With a swift move, she picks up the plates and carries them into the living room where Emma is sat on her laptop, working on college work, still unchanged out of her pyjamas.

"Breakfast is served madam!" Louise chirps, placing the plate on the arm rest of the sofa.

Emma smiles gratefully and glances to the plate for a second, only to second-take the look when noticing what's on there.

"Louise, this is hardly master chef material." She chuckles, prodding one of the mushrooms before facing Louise who's sat in the space beside her. "A four year old could do better with beans on toast."

"Alright! I usually rely on microwave meals, give me a break." Louise huffs and pops a piece of bacon into her mouth, cringing slightly at the taste. "Vegan bacon is gross."

"So is your face." Emma resorts, laughing when receiving a slap to the arm.

Her attention is then back on her laptop that's still situated upon her lap, a good few pages full of essays. She's been working hard lately and ever since her and Louise has moved to a flat outside of town, it's made communication with their friends a lot harder. They know of Dan's car accident and memory loss, but recently no ones bothered getting into contact, and the girls don't blame them.

It's as if they practically ran away -which they didn't- but in the opposite eyes of the viewer it must seem that way.

Louise has also been studying, yet has been focusing more on her job which is at a makeup salon where she gets to do other people's makeup all day. She enjoys it.

"What time is Luke getting here?" Louise questions, finishing the last of her food whilst Emma is only just taking the first bite of a mushroom.

Emma shrugs, flipping her recently purple dyed hair out her face. "God knows. A dog would be easier to control than him."

"I don't see why you don't just move in with him." Louise comments, standing up and taking her plate to the kitchen. "You have been together for a long time now."

"I'm not ready for that. I wanna take things slow and besides," Emma stands up, bringing her still full plate of food out to the kitchen also. "Someone needs to keep you company so you don't go bat-shit crazy."

The two chuckle among one another, having become close friends within the short time they've known each other. They both decided to move outside of town as it's easier to get to college and it was the only affordable flat they could find that wasn't a rats nest.

Sure, both of them miss their friends massively. Louise especially misses Phil and wonders how he's coping with everything. She hopes Dan is treating him well.

Her and Phil have known each other for a very long time, first meeting as kids in the police station and then meeting later in nursery. It was an unexpected friendship that bloomed beautifully.
At least, it began that way but as they grew and after Phil's mother died, it became harder to call each other 'best friends'. They were different. Phil was different, and although Louise didn't mind that, her family did.

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