37- Interrupted By Fireworks

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"This is actually ridiculous, how could you forget your coat?" PJ exclaims in a huff towards Chris, Phil and Dan looking on, both stood in their coats at the door. Phil got his silver, quite puffy coat from when he bought his clothes over, Dan wearing a long black coat.

Chris rolls his eyes and shrugs, not wanting to keep his friends waiting any longer. It's already getting dark and by the time they get to the hill it will be time for the fireworks.

Dan speaks up, himself becoming annoyed. PJ and Chris have been having stupid arguments with each other the whole time they've been here, all through the film they kept throwing remarks at one another. It was driving Dan crazy and just making Phil feel awkward. His presence his well known for when he steps forward, the confrontation dying at the sight of a rather angry Dan Howell. "Just let Chris borrow one of yours and let's leave. You're worse than Charlie and I were." He instructs and grabs a coat from the hooks, throwing it at Chris before raising his hand as PJ is about to protest, a harsh glint in his eyes making in fact both the boys shut up. Phil simply awkwardly shuffles alongside them as they finally leave the house, his chest tightening at Dan's mention of Charlie, he feels sick.

The film they watched was good however. It was another Disney movie, LILO and Stitch. He especially loved how the animations weren't drawn out to unnatural body types. Nani had chub and still looked amazing. Phil's going to admit that it's one of his new favourites now. Also Stitch kind of reminded him of Dan... Just a little... Or a lot.

The group head towards Chris' car that has been designated at PJ's for a long time now, it's an easy piece of transport for them all. PJ's house also seems to be the main place to meet as a group, which is good considering he doesn't live with his parents

They all get in, Dan and Phil in the back, PJ and Chris in the front. The tension is nearly unbearable. Chris is staring out his window as PJ starts the car, although they're at war with each other it's remarkable how Chris still allows PJ to drive his car. Phil knows it's because Chris loves him dearly.
Phil is also hoping the girls can light up the whole situation, he's has enough negativity.

Already around them there's fireworks being set off, it's not even fully dark yet but he guesses some people can't wait.
Phil doesn't specifically know where they're going, he just knows it's a hill. He doesn't know if other people will be there or anything. It's quite frustrating not knowing what's going on, but for the sake of how excited Dan looks, he'll embrace the secrecy.
Dan is literally bouncing in his seat after calming down, most likely excited about sharing this experience with Phil. It's cute.

Chris suddenly squeals and presses his face against the glass of the car window, PJ swerving slightly from the fright and glaring over at the boy, it doesn't take long for his eyes to soften as he too realises what Chris is so excited about.

"Am I high right now or is it fucking snowing?!" Chris exclaims.

Phil widens his eyes and also presses his face against the window, his nose bumping against the glass, gasping as he spots small white flakes falling down from the sky. He wipes his hand over the steamed up glass, wanting to continue watching the magical dust, daring not to miss a single moment.
It's only a light sprinkle, but never the less the way is flows past the yellow glow of the street lights has a nostalgic and warm feeling grow in Phil's stomach.

"It's beautiful." He whispers. Everyone else in the car smiles in awe, Dan especially keeping his eyes locked on the church boy.

He's always loved snow.

After a few more minutes the car comes to a halt, Phil doesn't waste time and gets out immediately, his neck straining as he stares up at the snowflakes. They're slowly dying off, but he doesn't care. Dan chuckles behind him as he and the other two also get out the car.

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