18- "I'm your friend, Dan"

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"It doesn't look like it's broken or fractured, you should be fine love."

The sweet voice of the old lady brings a smile to Phil's face as she reminds him of his own nan who visits every now and then. He doesn't get to see her as much as he would like but she doesn't live anywhere near where he lives, but it's worth it when she does come over.

Dan watches the check-up from across the room on the tattered leather sofa, his thumb dragging across his own jaw and chin as he's leant back in observation. Phil can't help but watch him back, this boy who seemed to be the devil himself has helped Phil more in the last few days than his own father has in the time he's been alive.
Dan is not a monster, Phil realises that now and can't bring himself to even dislike him anymore.

Dan's gran flicks her eyes in between the two boys with a little knowing smirk, her glasses balanced on the edge of her nose as she peeps over them, before clearing her throat and making them both get back into reality.
"Well I say just rest it and don't open your mouth too much when talking or eating, how did this happen again, dear?" She questions, removing her hands from checking Phil's jaw.

Dan inhales sharply before sitting up.
"He got attacked by some kids, he texted me and I came to help him." He informs. Phil nods in agreement.

"Oh that's terrible. Make sure your father knows about this. Now I'll make you too something to eat; Dan why don't you show Phil to your old bedroom?"

At his grandmas words Dan nods and stands up, walking over to Phil before taking his hand and leading him up the stairs.

Turns out Dan's grandma goes to the church that Phil does and she was the one who forced Dan to go there.
Strange considering she hasn't been there since Dan has but either way Phil doesn't know what kind of religious person she is and whether she would accept this little 'thing' that Dan and Phil have going on with each other.

They reach the top of the stairs and turn into the left room, a double bed with a normal white sheeting and a few books. There's also a keyboard and a small box TV in the corner.

Dan lets go of Phil's hand and turns to him, shaking his head.

"What?" Phil asks questionably.

Dan chuckles and continues shaking his head. "Nothing. Well that's my nan I guess, non of my friends have met her before besides past relationships." He replies, fiddling with his fingers.

"She seems nice, I forgot she even went to my dads church." Phil trails off as he slowly paces the room, observing how different it is to Dan's actual room.
"Your old room?" He asks, glancing to Dan who sits down on the bed.

"Yeah I used to stay here a lot when I was younger. Shit happened at home and it was safer for me here."

Phil nods slowly as if in understanding. There was a time that he also had to stay at his nans house after his mum was murdered. There was a big investigation and he wasn't to be apart of it besides a bit of questioning.

Of course he knew what happened but he wouldn't say. He never could.


He blinks at Dan who's smiling sleepily, his arms outspread for him.
Phil smiles and walks over to sit beside him on the bed. So many questions he wants to ask Dan but he's just too scared to.

He's gotten so close to the bad boy that he doesn't want to risk it for a bit of information about his family.

"You have questions?" Dan mumbles with a huffed laugh of amusement. Phil nods. "You can ask them soon, just not now." He nods again.

Take me to church (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now