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"Shit! We shall roll out now!"

Natsu's whole body is ignited by crimson fires charging towards Lucy sending her in a sharp uppercut but Lucy blinded his eyes before his combo attacks hit her and a loud boom echoed causing the barrier to fall and dust takes over everyone's sight as the wind is so strong some soldiers that were not strong enough to hold their stand was blown away.

"Holy crap, I didn't think it'd be this bad." – Ichinose and some others coughed up

"That was so cool!" – Emily sparkled jumping all over, when the dust disappeared Natsu, and Lucy are on the ground panting as their clothes are ripped up and hanging on their body for dear life. In a snap of Lucy's fingers, both of their clothes are changed into wearable clothing.

"It's been a while since we let out our magic, we need to do it more often. Probably in the dragon realm would be more fitting instead in here or on Earthland for something like this." – Lucy chuckles loudly

"This was a quick spar." – Happy said handing them a water bottle

"Did you want us to destroy the whole place?" – Lucy raised an eyebrow chugging the bottle

"So, this is the power of the dragons, interesting~ this will surely help us defend our world from our foe." – one of the generals that came to watch utters while the others nodded in agreement, the force of power and strength that they felt earlier are still fresh from their memories and every fiber within them scream to run away from the danger. It's their instinct as a human to survive and a soldier to make a strategical retreat.

Ichinose notices the leering eyes of his soldiers checking out Lucy's battered appearance from the fight with Natsu, he does not like it one bit. He glanced at Natsu, who just stand beside her with a proud grin plastered on his cheeky face.

"Get used to it, it's always like this whenever we go at Earthland. I tried to change her whole wardrobe into something more decent to wear but she just 'Lucy kick' me into oblivion. She didn't even talk to me for a month because of it." – stated Natsu as Ichinose take off his jacket placing it on Lucy's shoulder covering her upper part from those leering gazes while glaring at them making the others scurry away back to their pose.

"Lushiee~ I'll go back to the house to play with Julie, so you can complete the mating process with Ichinose. How about you, Natsu?" – the blue cat snickers loudly flying away fast enough to evade Lucy's violent streak as Natsu shakes his head in amusement missing this sight every time his buddy teases Lucy.

"I'll come home later, buddy."

"There's a process to mating?"

"Basically, there are two ways to do it, one; something adults do and as they reach their climax, I'll mark you or bite into your flesh to draw blood. The other method is just simple marking you which will be more painful than the first method. After marking you, my mark will show on the part I bite off you show that we are officially mated."

"Then we can have a date at my place since we haven't been on one yet. I need to put the puddings in the fridge anyways. I'll meet you both at the front while I go get my stuff."

"Now, that Ichinose is checked off the list, the only person that didn't know they were my mate is practically Aki-chan."

"Wouldn't rejecting or canceling a bond cause you pain, Luce? Both of us know better than anyone how painful it could be, Luce, especially when you have more than two mates. Fate decided our soul mates, so it goes both ways, Akito must have feelings for you too but does not realize it. Maybe, because he misunderstood something that he agrees to be engaged with someone other than you. Luce gives him a chance to explain everything before you cancel the bond, ask him if he has feelings for you, Luce."

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