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It's time for the vacation, and Lucy hasn't appeared, yet it worries everyone wondering where she could be that she won't even come back to them during their vacation time. It'll be the last time they could unwind and relax for two days, and to strengthen their bonds, even though sometimes they would feel her through their bonds letting them know that she'll be back soon and not to worry too much.

That still won't stop them to worry about her when they don't even know if she's safe with Hades going around the earth to who knows where.

"Come on now boys, it's time for everyone to go and I know my daughter wouldn't miss this vacation. Maybe later she'll be arriving at our destination, for now, let's stop our worries and put all that at the back of our mind, and focus on the vacation." – Layla's words eased the tension in their heart and put hope that they'll be able to see and be together with Lucy again later.

Unfortunately, both fate and the Greek gods don't agree with her words of encouragement, as soon as they arrive at the Ryuzetsu water park, the messenger of gods, Hermes with his popular winged shoes appeared in front of them.

"Hermes, it's so nice to see you, it's been so long since we saw come down in the realm of the mortal." – Acnologia greeted politely

"Ah, it's also nice to see you, the dragon of chaos and queen of the creation. I have personally delivered a message from the queen of apocalypse..." – Hermes rolls down a scroll that transformed into a hologram of Lucy in the ancient traditional fashion clothes of the Greeks.

"Hi guys, I'm sorry I won't be able to come and have fun with you... and my precious mates I know all of you are worried especially when I cut off my emotions with our bond... all you guys need to know is I'm completely fine and I have found the answer that will end this war against Hades. I'll see you before the battle and I'm expecting that you guys are powered up and at my level (chuckle), for now, get to know my friends and family, and don't forget to relax and have fun, don't worry about me. I'll see you guys soon have fun and don't forget I always love you."

The rowdy and rambunctious group in front of the Ryuzetsu hotel quieted down after Lucy finished her message, they all thought that they'll be able to see her and have fun with her like in the past... before all this impending war happens. They were expecting to bond with their favorite blonde girl, but it seems they're expecting too much, especially after the shocking revelations about the past of Queen Miyuki. They should have guessed that Lucy would find an answer and solution to end the war once and for all.

Lucy has always been like that, always looking for answers that will solve her problems or the problem of others.

"I see... so our daughter found out about it huh?" – Layla whispered softly

"Grandmother, all of us gods have always known how this war will end. One God will perish and the other will cease to exist. Even with the power of chaos and creation cannot change the destiny of gods, a battle between two gods will always result in this, we've always known it that's why we gods don't have battle and only insult each other with words. Hades is forsaken for absorbing the power of the seven sins that why the apocalypse has appeared."

In unison, all of them look at the two royals intently asking them to elaborate more for the rest of them to understand. The guild masters of light guilds of Fiore sigh ruefully knowing that their kids are going to shed blood in the nearing war against Hades. Just like what Hermes said, a battle between two gods does not bode well with anyone, especially for the mortals.

"Children, leave this matter alone for now and go check in with the hotels so we can rest and drop off our belongings. As for the seven of you, follow the others and don't dawdle anymore here." – persuaded Makarov while sighing and shaking his head with his right hand massaging his right temple.

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