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The weekend passed by fast, and now it's time for the awaiting vacation before training starts. The royal dragon family decided to set up the place of the vacation in Ryuzetsu Land, a water park where the light guilds played and relaxed on the third day of GMG three years ago. It'll be a big surprise for the earthlings to have two days' vacation in Earthland, none of them knows the destination they'll be going to relax before hell breaks loose on the weekdays.

The light guilds' members, divide themselves into two groups, the other half will prepare all the necessities that earthlings may need so that they could enjoy their world to the fullest as they did in the last party. While the other half are searching for any tracks or clues about Hades in both the world of Earth and Earthland.

Despite that, there is one person preoccupied and missing in action with all the busy work, after the meeting two days ago, Lucy ran out and was never seen again. Even her spirits and dragons couldn't find her, as for her mates, they tried connecting to her through their shared bond but all they received is a huge wall preventing them from looking for her.

They've tried breaking it multiple times, but it never works, it didn't even budge or crack. And so, Layla told them to leave her alone for now and wait until she comes back to wherever she is now. Their mood goes down to hell, especially Natsu's, it agitated and angers him that he couldn't be beside Lucy in her low moment in her life as he usually does. Whenever she experienced a traumatic event, Lucy doesn't like to be alone, she dislikes it with passion as it reminds her of her lonely childhood days.

Both Natsu and Happy were always there soothing her and calming her nightmares, however, now how could they do it? When they can't even find her, they could feel all her painful emotions coursing through their strong bond, and it hurts them knowing they couldn't do anything but wait for her to come back to them. For her to find her way to them again.

In the tourist village of Litochoro at the base of Mt. Olympus, an attractive woman wearing a plain off-shoulder, flowery dress walks leisurely, many eyes keep stalking this woman whether it's female or male, young or old, their eyes just couldn't resist feasting such gorgeous that gives off a warm feeling to their heart.

She walks straight towards the entrance of the hiking path that leads to the depths of Mt. Olympus, the said woman looks up in the sky frowning, her body tense up, and in the blink of an eye she vanished which left those hikers watching to wonder if they saw a ghost or maybe a wandering goddess in the form of a human.

An archway gate greeted the woman, a stone path covered with trimmed grasses guided her feet to her destination, and numerous towering Greek architecture buildings graces her eyes. Columns after columns that acts like a pillar pass through her gaze until she reaches the throne where both gods and goddesses alike awaited her arrival.

"It's been a while, our dear Lucy, what brings our treasure student to the abode of gods and goddesses?" – an arrogant and prideful voice echoed throughout the elegant and grandiose room.

"Zeus, thank you for granting me to enter even though I've finished my study with all of you. I'll go straight to the point, please tell me the truth, Zeus, as my first instructor, and the brother of Hades. Why did he target Hyperion? He's a freaking titan and part of the pre-Olympian age and with his power, Hyperion could have foreseen such a future of him being controlled by Hades." – inquire Lucy quite forcefully while taking out the original history book of what truly transpired in the war.

"I see, so you have found the book of origin." – uttered Poseidon, who is sitting on the left side of Zeus, with his head being propped up by his left arm and his perverted grin irritates Lucy.

"My child, you have already read the book which holds the answer to your question, why are you asking such a question when you, yourself know the answer to your question." – verbalize Athena

"I want to hear it from all of you." – the helplessness in Lucy's voice destroyed all her hope that what she read, and the truth are not connected or there was still some kind of deep meaning that she didn't understand. Lucy doesn't want it to be true, she can't believe such truth because if the book of origin is the truth, a fact, then she cannot deny it anymore.

"Do you know why there's existence as yourself? An existence that rules over every being that was created in every world. Whether it be gods or demons, dragons or beastmen, or mortal or immortal creatures, all of us need something to keep everyone balanced and can coexist in the same universe. We need a person who is both strong and weak, warm, and cold, and lastly, that person must know how to create and destroy. Lucy, you are an existence that has the power of apocalypse. Apocalypse does not destroy and end life, apocalypse withholds the power of chaos and creation." – the declaration of the goddess of wisdom, Athena, doused cold water on Lucy's frigid and tense body.

"Every holder of the apocalypse power has seven guardians which represent the seven horsemen. With your knowledge, I know you've read and heard about the devasting powerful four horsemen. Only Hyperion knows who'll be the next holder of such power, and the only way to control the holder is to kill all the seven guardians. That's the reason why Miyuki could challenge Hades and purify a powerful titan god." – Zeus continues with the explanation staring intently towards Lucy's reaction portraying her lack of emotions

"Thankfully, Hyperion, warns Miyuki before anything tragic to happen towards her seven guardians. With the last battle, Miyuki uses her power of apocalypse to destroy the sacred bond between her and the seven. That actions caught Hades off guard which opened an opportunity for Hyperion to seal his power but only half of it and that is where Miyuki enters the fight between the two gods. And let me just remind you, dear child, no matter how overpowering you are, nothing can completely kill a god only seal them with our immortal life. Only time can help us recuperate to have a comeback." – Poseidon finished the lengthy explanation

Hearing the explanation, Lucy is overcome by a sense of helplessness and sadness, she can't breathe as tears flow out of her eyes. Lucy has finally experienced the happiness she's been looking for, and in these past few days of being away from her family and mates, Lucy could still feel all the warmth and love they're giving her through their bond. It gives her the strength to overcome all the negative setbacks and emotions she's been experiencing.

Lucy understands the decision Miyuki made in the last battle, to protect everyone she loved, she sacrificed her happiness for the survival of her mates so, they could continue living without her and protect the kingdom she loved. If Hades somehow controls Miyuki, then chaos will ensue, and only miserable darkness and terror will remain throughout the universe. Not even the powerful gods and goddesses, dragons, and anyone could stop Hades from conquering every world.

"How can I destroy Hades and stop his plan from hurting anyone." – Lucy proclaims. 

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