LVII: Ending

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Lucy stands before Hades as the Twelve Olympian Gods make a huge circle around them to create a powerful barrier that will keep the stray spells inside of the battleground.

There's no referee to shout the rules because there is none, no one to declare to start the fight to the death because it has already begun when Lucy arrived and stands in front of Hades a few meters away. There will be no one to stop the fight as the gods already erected the barrier around the area of the fight, no interference, no in and out, it will only end if one of them falls.

Hades attacks first with his right fist enveloped in a black aura as the skull of souls screech dreadfully, Lucy also attacks in the very same manner, but her fist is enveloped in a grey aura with neither its light nor its black. When their fists met in the middle, they struggle for dominance and the surrounding suffered for it, dust flew everywhere and a huge crack beneath their feet appears, Lucy followed it up with a left punch in his gut, but Hades catch it, so Lucy uses her head to head but him which catch Hades by a surprise followed by a double kick.

Hand-to-hand combat became so otherworldly when Lucy's companions arrive at the scene, Lucy and Hades are all over the place, they could be in the sky or the ground fighting it out. None of them have a scratch or even if they do have one it'll heal fast. Their movements are too fast for the bystander to see who is dominating the fight and who is in defense, both didn't even need to say chant their spell, they'll just unleash them which resulted in the surroundings being affected, but not one of them.

Hades and Lucy floated in the sky in a stand-off, not one of them have a scratch but they watch Hades spit out some blood and then wipe them off his chin. Lucy created two balls made of pure chaos magic while the other is made of pure creation magic, it stays in both of her hands as it grows bigger, while Hades' instinct screams at him to not make Lucy finish her spell or else, he will be doomed.

All the Zodiacs contracted with Lucy open their gate to fight Hades, they only need to keep Hades away from Lucy for a few seconds and this fight will be complete, they didn't like Lucy's plan at all as she hasn't completely mastered it. She focuses on creating the spell but masters it fully, they don't know the price of such a powerful spell but what they know is that the price will be a steep one. A price that they cannot swallow and accept.

Hades unsuccessfully apprehend Lucy and stop her on time, once the spell is complete Hades is trapped inside a blue ball surrounded by multiple magic circle created by Lucy using her Apocalypse power of creation and chaos. She doesn't want to be the reason for Hades to perish or maybe cease to exist, she already talks with fate, and Lucy found out that there is a way out of the prophecy and only she can do this while still saving Hades' life and purifying the Seven Deadly Sins.

She just hopes that at the end of this battle when she came back again that they'll be waiting for her, and they'll recreate their bond again and then have lots and lots of fun adventures all around the universe with her family and friends. She hopes that they wouldn't forget her even if time passed by. She hopes that she'll have a home to come back to and shout at her welcome home, Lucy, she truly wishes that will be the reality of the present she'll be coming back.

It's truly wishful thinking, with a bit of her last strength Lucy sends out a telepathic messenger for everyone to hear her last words.

"I promise, I'll be back, and when that happens, could we have more adventure together? Could I still become your mate after this? I love all of you with all my heart, let's see each other again a few years from now. I hope you guys have fun and make a lot of memories for me to hear when I come back"

All of them listen and watch as Lucy looks at them with a bright smile etched on her face as she fades away as Hades falls from the sky and the Seven Deadly Sins are enveloped in bright light then they also fall unconscious, Zeus flies up to catch Hades, his little brother, while the ten Zodiacs glance down to their master's friends and family. Just looking at their eyes says that they didn't expect her to pay such a high price, however, Lucy never breaks her promise, she will come back and when she did, they will throw one hell of a welcome party.

However, this time they don't know if she still can come back to them, they believe she will but with such enormous power that she used in that fight to save both Hades and the Seven Deadly Sins. The probability of that is slim, but they hold on to the belief that she will come back to them with that bright smile of hers.

This battle changes everything, especially Lucy's unbonded mates, they took it the hardest. While everyone tried to act like nothing is wrong, that Lucy will just show up in front of them alive and smiling, and that they must move forward because Lucy would love that notion, for everyone to continue with their lives.

And yet, her unbonded mates couldn't do it, they lost their hearts and soul at the same time Lucy was gone. The feeling of emptiness and coldness enveloped their whole being, they could not accept the news of Lucy perishing in that battle that she sacrifices her happiness to save a world without her. Even though they've seen the event happen, even though they heard her voice in their mind saying her farewell, they still would not believe it.

They didn't want to live in a world without Lucy, they just can't live every single day where they can't see her contagious bright smile, hear her angelic and soothing voice, feel her warmth, and skin under their touch, and taste her through a soft and passionate kiss, they couldn't even hug her anymore and Lucy loves to cuddle.

They couldn't experience that anymore because there is no Lucy in their life anymore.

Lucy didn't only sacrifice her happiness she has also sacrifice theirs.

Is this the ending you wanted, Lucy, our precious mate?

No one knows how or why, but Natsu, Toshiro, Ren, Akito, Ryosuke, Hayato, and Ichinose still roams around the world after a hundred year of Lucy's death, there is still no sign of her coming back while everyone in their pack has entered the eternal rest. They continued with their life of staying together and keeping the universe a haven for everyone, they know they couldn't save everyone, but they tried to keep the powerful evil beings from making havoc and destroying everything in their path.

It's the only way they could think of to forget about the pain and bury their mind with how to keep winning the battle and keep the people safe from everything that wants to destroy the lives of everyone in every world or just one world.

The others tried to stop and make the seven relax but that didn't work out as trouble keep popping out, one after the other, but the seven men tried to have some downtime with the rest of their family, and it's one of those time when they are hanging out on Earthland in Fairy Tail with the new generation. It's the day of Lucy's death anniversary, so the whole guild decided to go to the entrance of Tartarus to visit her grave site. And when they arrived at their destination, a woman is standing looking up at the sky, her long blonde hair sways with the soft breeze, and when she turns around. The familiar bright smile illuminates.

"I'm back and I'm home."

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