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She giggles as Lucy pulled into the parking lot, they grabbed their things and went to meet the team who were waiting for the other team to come. When Subaru's teammates notice Lucy and Ema's arrival inside of the court, they immediately called out then run towards them. Lucy and Ema showed them their snacks before the game, Toshiro hugs Lucy from behind putting his head on top of her head. This cause some of their fans and supporters to murmured to each other as all of them knows that Toshiro does not like touching girls unnecessarily, some feel envious and jealousy sprouted through their heart.

"Don't forget our deal." – whispered Toshiro to Lucy's ear as a shiver went to her spine making her blush deeply, Ema and the others snicker from Lucy's reaction and the smug look of Toshiro.

"Did you guys prepare all of this earlier?" – ask Subaru helping Lucy to escape from exploding in embarrassment. Ema replied to it by nodding her head.

"Arigatou!" – all the basketball players shouted at the same time with a smile while digging in.

"It's fine, we are more than happy to help out, just keep being energized and win the game." – Lucy smiled softly as they blushed looking away and Toshiro just hug her tightly as his other hand holds a sandwich.

"Thanks a lot for this, sunshine. We'll surely win and then you owe me a date. And I see you are wearing my hoodie; I will most definitely win today!" – Toshiro said getting fired up like how Natsu gets excited in a fight.

"Stop talking so high and mighty, it was cold outside, and it was the only thing I had in my car." – Lucy pouted shoving him away which he just chuckles in response.

"Alright, thank you for the food, but you guys should head out now if you want to get crowded on your way to the seats, I prepared for the two of you." – Subaru smiled making them realize their mistake as they immediately run towards the stairs to their seats.

"Ah crap." – Lucy grabbed Ema running away.

"GOODLUCK" – they shouted

"You and Toshiro-san seem close." – Ema teased again chuckling as they're seated towards the front row were the close and better view in the game.

"I would often come down here to the court to try out basketball that Subaru loves so much, every time I missed the hoop or didn't dribble the ball, Toshiro would be there to tease me." – Lucy growled glaring at the man who entered the arena with a confident grin on his face, looking around at the benches where spectators are seated.

"Oh, the other team has also arrived for the game." – Ema announced.

"Are all basketball players being fricking giants?! (she grumbled) ...for some reason, I don't have a good feeling about them." – Lucy said as her brows scrunched in disgust for their arrogance and over-confidence or smug aura around them.

"What do you mean, Lu-chan?" – Ema questioned but Lucy didn't answer only looking at the smug group oozing arrogance. 'I don't know but they somehow piss me off the moment they arrive...'

"Oh, would you look at that, it's the basketball team of Meiji university." – the opponent captain team said as they stood in front of each other looking upon Meiji's basketball team, sneering them down.

"I heard an interesting rumor, Subaru-san, a new person joined your 'unique' family that you treat as a little sister like that Ema-chan." – another said with a perverted grin making the rest of Subaru's team tense rigidly and glare at them angrily and openly.

"Is it that hot blonde over there on the seats beside Ema-chan... (the captain smirked staring perversely at the blonde who raised an eyebrow) ...after I win... I will take her for myself, maybe she's a screamer and... tight." – he whispered as a lecherous expression appeared which made the rest of the team want to punch square at the face. Toshiro almost raises his hand in a fist, but Subaru stops him from making a big mistake.

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