Key to Future's Past

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(I am really sorry that it took so long to get this next chapter out for this, been going through a lot this pandemic has been hard on everyone and writers block had hit hard but as I promised it's finally here and I will be trying to get more out love you all.)

When they arrived in the War Room of New Iacon where Dancer was, she was in a holocall.

"I do not care what your 'estimated time' for getting to that repair is! If you do not fix that hull NOW that ship will break in half! Aurora trashed it completely. I want it restored!"

Aurora perked up a little hearing her name but this she smirked to herself she knew what ship she was referring to she chuckled a little, Lyra looked over to her sister and raised an optic ridge.

::Ma'am we just can't work it into the timeframe. First class guild member Dragshaft demanded::

"Dragshaft can kiss my aft! I'm the Guildmaster! I overrule him! If he has objections he can take it up with me." she snarled "If that dark matter drive explodes we have a serious problem on our hands! Half of this solar system will be vaporised. And if you defy me again you know exactly what I did to the last foreman who disobeyed orders."

::I-It will be done Guildmaster.:: the mechanic foreman stuttered quickly.

"Good." she smirked and the call ended.

Aurora moved towards Dancer. "Foreman giving you problems?" she asked

"Tch. Idiot obviously forgot who was boss. All this peace... No one needs a merc to bump off anyone and I'm reduced to commanding riot suppression and rebuilding, Job assignments materials management......... What the hell happened to Soundwave and Calypso? They spend so much time yacking that they forget to do their jobs."

"Awwwww getting restless?" Aurora chuckled "you need to settle down. We don't need another ruthless warlord running around killing everything."

"Ugh.... I'm going soft." she snorted before having a notification pop up on her datapad and she smiled softly at it.

Megatron groaned to himself, hearing the word 'Warlord' brought him a dirty disgusted feeling realizing that he once did that to everyone. Blinded by the madness of loss. Trust will be difficult to build.

Lyra looked up at him noticing the tension she sighed.

"Sire, you're back!" Starfire's voice was heard

Megatron turned around and smiled at her. "Hello little Star."

Starfire moved to him and embraced him tightly, the Trico predacon moved up close to the two of them as well, Lyra looked at the two and smiled a little.

He held her tight. "Are you okay?"

Starfire looked up at him. "I'm fine..." she paused and looked him over. "What about you?"

"I am fine Starfire." he told her, his now blue optics were gentle and more kind than she could ever remember them being before.

Starfire was silent before she smiled at him again, Dekota made a small sound and leaned herself slightly against them both. Starfire chuckled and looked at the Predacon.

"Well, Little one." he knelt down to look at the small predacon. "It seems that it will be your turn to transform soon enough." he chuckled placing a servo on her helm.

Dekota looked into his eyes making another sound as if she agreed with him. She rubbed her face into him a little, Starfire chuckled. "I think she agrees..." she replied

"Seems like it." Aurora said moving closer. "But... did you say there is something that needs to be said, Mergatron?"

"Right." he nodded, standing up. "As a new Prime, some may object to me now in possession of the Matrix of Leadership."

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