Let Me GO!

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Once Sabrina was taken from Megatron she was crying for him she was pissed beyond belief she glared at Jack and Miko hoping her and trying even harder to fight her way out of their grasp before the bright closed but she was dragged through the base the bots all looked at the kids most were confused to Sabrina's resistance but Ratchet stared at the young girl and he was having a panic attack.

Oh no... we're dead we are SOOOOO dead! The old Medic said to himself

Sabrina continued to fight before she finally gave up after they got her to the hang out around she ripped her arms away once they loosen their hold on her, she glared at them before looking away she was not in a good mode.

Jack just looked at her before they looked at optimus. "Optimus... while on the ship we got something that you might want." he said

Ratchet calmed himself down before he took the drive from Jack and put it into the computer showing four coordinates of Iacon relic locations. "The download of the Iacon database may have been incomplete, but we now possess four sets of coordinates decoded by the ship." he said

"Then we must act quickly, for Megatron possesses the same four sets." Optimus said and looked at his team. "And he will not hesitate to obtain the potential doomsday devices which lie at the site of each."

Sabrina growled and looked away from them she didn't want to talk at the moment before Bee looked at her he didn't like that she was so angry. :Sabrina.: he said

Sabrina looked over to him still glaring she really was in a bad mode if she glaring at him, the scout backed away and decided to leave her be but others didn't so much. "Sabrina... what is with you?" Jack asked

Sabrina glared at him. "You took me away from where I belonged!" she snapped

Optimus looked down at her. "Sabrina... " he said

Sabrina glared at him crossing her arms over her chest. "You don't belong on the warship... Megatron had made you believe you did and-."

"He did NOTHING to me, Optimus Prime!" Sabrina interrupted him quite rudely.

The bots just stared at her ss she snapped at Optimus the way she was. "I was safe! I was protected there! They never brought me harm!" Sabrina continued

Optimus just looked at her he was about to say something before they were being contacted, the bots looked at the screen funny to see that Sabrina looked as well they all didn't know what to think before it was Megatron calling them.

"What does he want?" Arcee asked

:I have no idea...: Bee replied

Ratchet sighed. I know why he is. He thought before he went to answer the call.

Optimus moved closer as the video call opened up showing a real pissed off Megatron before them, the bots didn't know what this was about.

::Give her back you had NO right to take her!:: the warlord snapped glaring right at Optimus. ::And was my warning NOT clear?!::

Optimus just looked at him before he realized he was talking about Sabrina. "She is not yours Megaron..." he said

Ratchet cringed to the Prime's words as the warlord became even more angered to that. ::Prime! Give me back my-!::

Before Megatron could continue Optimus just ended the video call on him, Ratchet froze looking at Optimus in shock Sabrina looked at the Medic's face and she realized he really does know who she really is.

Meanwhile on the warship Megatron just started at the screen speechless before he roared in anger and yelled something in Cybertronian that everyone around him became real scared of the warlord.

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