A New Friend

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The day after Makeshift failed to do what Starscream wanted and the ship's flight deck being badly damaged, the Decepticons worked over time to get it repaired. While Soundwave in secret tried to locate Sabrina again then send Echo out to look out for her.

The silent Mech continued to work before he found the Princess's life signal, he then transmitted to Echo it was time she was not too thrilled with this but she did what he wanted.

She ground bridged into Jasper, Nevada, already in her alt mode and drove the the school. It didn't take her long as soon as she found a parking spot she sat there for a bit before she activated her holoform and got out of her alt mode.

She looked like most teenage girls but her hair was bright blue, her eyes were emerald green she wore a little blue and black dress, a little top hat, and a pair of cute blue strappy wedges. the whole outfit screamed 'Alice in Wonderland'. She honestly looked like an adorable mad hatter. Echo looked at the school before her and took a deep breath. Alright Echo relax. She said to herself. Just go in... Find Starfire then go from there.

Echo then walked into the school before she looked around and walked to the office she felt all of the kids just starting at her, she heard them whispering things but she didn't hear what they said, and she didn't really care all she had on her mind was to find Princess Starfire and look after her.

It didn't take her long to find the office, she registered for classes and was escorted to the classroom. She was introduced to the class and the first thing Echo saw in the room was Sabrina her dark and light purple hair gave her away she was in the back of the classroom. I found you Princess. She said to herself

"Class this is Talison Xantara. She's transferred here from Europe and I expect everyone to treat her nicely and with respect."

Not long after the teacher looked around the class before looking at the young girl. "Sabrina." He said

Sabrina looked up at him. "Would you be so kind to accompany your new classmate?" He asked

Sabrina looked at him before looking over to Echo they looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Why do I feel like I know her? Sabrina thought

The two continued to looked at each other before Sabrina looked at her teacher. "Sure I can." She replied

He nodded to her before he looked at Echo. "Go and have a seat." He said

Echo looked at him before she nodded and moved towards Sabrina, taking the desk next to her.

" 'Allo there." Echo said quietly to Sabrina with a British accent. "I'm Tali. It's nice to meet you."

Sabrina continued to look at her. "Mine's Sabrina and same to you..." she replied

Echo smiled at her before she looked towards the front, Sabrina continued to look at her. I will have to figure this out later. Sabrina thought.

The Class went on as it normally, and before long the Lunch bell had gone off. Echo had entered the cafeteria with Sabrina not that far behind her.

Tali looked around not knowing what to do as she twisted something that appeared to be either a wedding ring or engagement ring on her finger.

Sabrina looked at it funny before looking at her. "Tali..." she said

Echo looked at her. "Yes...?" she asked

"Is that... a Wedding ring." Sabrina replied pointing at the ring

Echo looked down at it before she nodded. "Yes... yes it is." she said

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