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After Sabrina passed out Echo had caught her before she fell to the ground.

"What just happened?" Bulkhead asked

"She did that a few times on the warship... " Miko said

The bots looked at her.

"Quickly get her to the Medbay..." Ratchet said

Echo looked up at him before she nodded and took Sabrina to the medbay. Please don't be long...

within Sabrina's mind she had found herself on the surface of Cybertron no one was around and it looked like the planet was dead like the bots and cons had told her before she didn't know why she was here or who brought her here.


Sabrina jumped to the sudden voice it was one she never heard before she looked around for the source of it. "W-who's there?" She asked

"No need to be afraid..." the voice said. "I will not harm you."

Sabrina saw a bright light at the corner of her eyes she looked to see a human sized Cybertronian before her something about him made her calm and relaxed and... like she saw him before. "W-who are you?" She asked

The mech smiled. "You don't remember at the moment...." he replied as he moved to her a little. "I am Primus... the creator of all Cybertronian life."

Sabrina just looked at him stunned. "Primus?" She asked

"Yes..." Primus replied

"D-did you bring me here?" She asked

Primus nodded.

"Why?" Sabrina asked

"I brought you here to tell you what I couldn't before..." Primus replied

Sabrina became a little confused to that she turned towards him. "What would that be?" She asked

"The reason you are human right now and have been for 18 years." Primus replied

Sabrina's eyes widened to that. "H-how do you-."

"Because I am the one that turned you human to protect you..."

"Wait what?!"

Primus got to her before he placed a servo onto her shoulder she looked at it before looking at his face again.

"The day your sire Megatron lost your carrier... a dark presence has been lingering over him." Primus replied

"I... don't understand." Sabrina replied

"I cannot tell you who or what... but it was the same presence that was attempting to end your life all those eons ago." Primus replied

Sabrina was stunned to hear that.

"I took your escape pod out of the blast radius before it had a chance to hit you." Primus continued. "It ensured your safety I took your memories away until you were reunited with your sire."

Sabrina didn't know how to take this it was hard to take in. "E-every time I remember something... it hits me hard and I can't control myself after words." She replied

"That is why I only allowed them to come to you little by little... otherwise you would have perished."

"I-is this... going to be when I return to my true self?"

Primus nodded. "And I know why Optimus Prime is not seeing the signs you keep showing in front of him." He replied

"You do?" She asked

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