The Darkest Hour

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Knockout was working in the medbay getting everything into place before closing his shift whistling to himself a little before hearing the doors open and the sounds of screeching metal enter the area, the red mech looked over to see Starscream dragging himself into the medbay with one arm he didn't looks to good right now.

Knockout groaned and turned towards him. "Can you just stay repaired... for five minutes?!" he asked annoyed.

The seeker looked up at him and went to replay but what came out was not his own voice he started making beeping whining noises...

"Great... just great." Knockout groaned "your voice box is damaged so severely damaged it can't be fully repaired."

"What do you mean-" Starscream squawked before his voice switched back into the technological whine.

"That..." Knockout said before moving to the Seeker. "Well at least you can still speak... to some degree."

The red mech helped him though he really didn't want to and continued to repair him.

A few days later, The Decepticons were preparing to go to Cybertron.

Starfire was really excited and nervous she and everyone was going home she had not been there for eons she was slightly nervous about it as well.

"Do you guys remember hot oil baths?" Echo asked. "Mm! I can't wait."

"I do... been so long..." Lyra replied

"And to have an actual home instead of a room." Spitfire said "I can't wait to get some distance between me and that idiot Starscream."

Starfire looked over to her she was still quite shaken about what the seeker tried to do but she laughed a little. "Yeah it will be nice." she replied

"Come on ladies. We're waiting." Breakdown groaned.

"Alright, Alright keep yourself together..." Lyra stated before she chuckled a little.

They all departed for Cybertron and arrived in the same location as the Autobots and the Mercenaries.

When stepping into Cybertron Starfire took her time to look around she hadn't seen it for so long and now it just saden her to see it in ruin but she smiled a little thinking of what was going to happen today.

"It looks horrible..." Echo said sadly.

"This is war does to a planet... but it will all be fixed on this day..." Lyra replied

"It'll look beautiful again." Spitfire patted her sister's back.

"Agreed." Ratchet smiled as he walked over to them and he hugged his daughters "Your mothers would be proud." he told the girls.

The femmes nodded Aurora smiled to see everyone together and not fighting one another it was just like it was before the war.

The Decepticon Princess Looked around nervously gripping the omega key close to her chest tightly.

"Come on kiddo." Dancer smiled as she walked over to Starfire. "Time is now."

They all began walking, following behind Optimus Prime, Megatron, WaterDancer and Starfire, to the site of the Omegalock.

The silver femme looked took a deep breath before looking to her sire who looked at her seeing she was nervous he tried to reassure her as they prepared to activate the Omega Lock.

The console detected the keys it started to glow and so did the keys.

The ground shook and things began shifting and moving.

Starfire jumped a little looking at the ground seeing it shift and transform around them.

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