Chaos on the Nexus

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As Megatron waited to hear news about how his daughter was doing from the hospital, he had been strategically placed in a high end apartment of a mercenary who had been killed on a job along with his entire crew. The windows were disguised to look like the metal wall was uninterrupted on the outside and the material they were made of appeared to be blaster and surprisingly cannon proof. Whoever owned this apartment beforehand must have been acutely paranoid. But it was quite nice. Lavish even. Spacious. And it had multiple bedrooms. It would be perfect to bring Starfire back to after she got out of the hospital.

Hours of waiting and the day cycle on the nexus ended and the night cycle began. Megatron began getting more and more worried. What if things went wrong? They said she would be alright. Even the doctors said she would recover... but would she really?

There was so much energon coming from the wound...

Megatron stop think this... she will be fine... he said to himself but was still unsure about it himself he was scared.

"If you keep pacing you'll wear a rut in the flooring." his guard stated.

Megatron stopped in his movements before looking to his guard and sighed before going to sit down.

Not long after he sat down he received a comm from the hospital. Starfire survived surgery and was in a recovery room and he could come see her.

The warlord was up and ready to go he just wanted to see his daughter, the guard was close by following Megatron to the Hospital.

When he got there with his guard Aurora, Dancer and Calypso were already there. Soundwave was getting there as Megatron did and barely caught sight of Calypso as she teleported away.

Megatron didn't get a good look at the faceless femme but then again his mind was more on his daughter than anything.

"Ah Megatron. This way." Dancer said

Megatron watched Dancer before following her down the halls of the Hospital.

All along the way at specific intervals they spotted pure black bots with either deep red or blue optics.

Megatron and Soundwave looked at the bots couriusly but never said anything as they walked.

When they got to Starfire's room she was sleeping on a medical berth under a thermal blanket.

Megatron got to his daughter's side right away he sighed lowly seeing her sound asleep and ok he smiled a little, Soundwave moved the one of the corner of the room just watching the sleeping princess and the warlord.

A doctor walked in with a glass vial in his hand. "Hello, I was the surgeon who saved her life. We had a few complications during the surgery but with time and a little therapy she will have full range of motion with her arm back and full function of her digits."

Megatron looked at the surgeon he had a look in his optics most would never see in them... he was happy and grateful for all they did to help Starfire.

"This is the high caliber round we pulled from her shoulder. It was covered in a rather vicious toxin. We were able to neutralize it but she will need medication. We also removed the toxin from the bullet so it could safely be examined."

Aurora looked at the vial her optics narrowed a little before she went to towards the surgeon to get a better look at it and once she did her body language changed her optics flashed in many different shades deep reds, yellows and oranges, she grabbed the Vial and looked at Dancer. "I know who this belongs to..." she said

"Who?" Dancer demanded.

Aurora lifted the vial to the Guild master. "The filth that ruined my life so long ago." was all she said

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