Bonus: Aspect of Death

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(I had wanted to make this chapter for a Halloween chapter and the fact that I am now in Anaheim for Blizzcon this weekend I really hope you enjoy this funny chapter.)

Megatron was walking through the halls of the Nemesis thinking of how he was going to get Starfire onto the Warship with him, ever since she was found he had wanted to keep her safe from everything that could harm her. I will get you back my little Star... he thought

Megatron got to where Soundwave was working non-stop to find Starfire seeing what she was up too and keeping her safe even though she was in human form and with the Autobots Megatron still wanted his troops to protect her.

"Soundwave... anything new from my daughter?" Megatron asked

Soundwave nodded before he pulled up something and it turned out to be a video tilted 'Aspect of Death', Megatron became interested in this. What on Cybertron? He asked himself

Megatron looked at Soundwave and the silent mech then hit play and it started out black and music started to play Megatron and Soundwave had no idea what was going on before.


Megatron jumped and just stared at the screen and so did Soundwave. And what was shown there was a hammer hitting the metal and went black again 'Agony!'

W-what is this? Megatron thought

It showed two hammers hitting the metal on the screen. 'My Hatred burns through the cavernous deeps!'

Then a hot metal plate carried by chains was coming towards something and attracting to what looked like Sabrina's skin sealing up a firelike wound and then a Dragon roar was heard making Megatron jump again to it.

The music got more intense as it played and then showed that Sabrina looking totally different and shaking of small mortals off her back and the earth cracking all around metal hammers flying in hitting Sabrina's shoulders nailing the armor into her before a dragon like wing moves and a tidal wave with a boat in it came towards a stature.

Back to Sabrina and another hammer hammering into her back and she roared again and hit the side of the walls. 'The world heves with my torment!' was said as it showed the splitting of the land. An aircraft crashing into a building. 'It's wretched kingdoms quake... beneath my rage!'

Megatron was having a small panic attack to seeing this he didn't know what to think as it showed a large wave covering the land again, then back to armor being hammered into her body three times before she had lifted a hand out of lava lifting herself up grinning and bright red eyes piercing through the dark and lava coming off a metal brace as she lifted herself up opening a set of wings and shited into a large Black Dragon and flying through the air with a trail of fire destroying towns and other places. 'But at last the whole of Azeroth will break!'

The Dragon continued to fly destroying more land. 'And all will burn beneath the shadow of my wings!'

The Dragon landed on top of a city's towers before moving to the ground and transformed to Sabrina moving towards the camera before she let out another Dragon roar before it shifted to the World of Warcraft Cataclysm logo and the video ended with a black screen.

Megatron and Soundwave looked at each other not able to respond to one another to what they just saw, Megatron was in a total freak out mode after seeing that not able to think of this at all. "What was that?" he asked

Soundwave just looked at him like 'don't ask me' Megatron just looked at the screen before Echo and Skyquake entered the room they both looked at their leader and the surveillance officer confused. "Lord Megatron? Are you alright?" Echo asked

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