Lockdown's Interrogation (OPTIONAL)

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(Warning this chapter contains Torture, Attempted Rape, Mentions of Rape, Lots of strong Language, Gore and Character death [Lockdown dies. It's not a spoiler it was said that he will die in the previous chapter]. If you don't want to read this chapter it is OPTIONAL you CAN skip it without missing anything majorly important.)

After some time WaterDancer got the information from Lockdown's mind for the cure to the disease he inflicted onto her and he was now inside one of the interrogation rooms of the Supermax prison, Aurora was also in the room waiting for the asshole to wake up she could kill him now but she wanted him to be awake when she did. She wanted to look him in the optics as she drove her blade into his spark.

The coloured femme sighed as she leaned against the wall looking to the side and crossing her arms over her chest thinking a little to herself before she heard a low groan she looked towards Lockdown and narrowed her optics.

"Finally decide to wake up?" Aurora asked.

Lockdown shook his helm before lifting it slightly looking around before looking to where Aurora was. "So... " he started to say. "My rival is not going to be here and interrogate me?" he spoke with a slight edge in his voice as he looked over the coloured femme the look was all too familiar to Aurora.

"Oh we already got what we wanted from you." Aurora replied.

"Is that so?" Lockdown asked before looking down to see he was chained down in the middle of the room and in a chair.

The mech growled as he attempted to get free.

"It won't work." Aurora said as she walked over and pulled out one of her blades from her arm and put the sharp edge under his chin.

"What are you waiting for? Kill me already." Lockdown told her.

"What was it you said to me so long ago? Oh yes. Not until you beg for the pain to stop." Aurora replied.

Lockdown looked at her and growled again but he was somewhat amused as well.

Aurora narrowed her optics as she pulled away blade away from him before she moved it to her optic level before bringing it right across his arm cutting it swiftly Energon poured out of the wound.

Lockdown hissed in pain growling lowly as he looked at the fresh cut, aurora looked at him and grinned a little. "What? Can't handle it already?"

Lockdown looked at her. "I can handle it. But will you be able to... girl."

Aurora snapped a little slapping him across the face hard but not hard enough to break his neck, Lockdown took a few breaths before looking at her again energon was starting to come down from his mouth. "Was that the best you've got?" he asked

Aurora growled before roughly grabbing a hold of his helm looking at him in the optics. "Listen here you fucking son of a Bitch!" she snapped her optics flashing again. "This is only the start... I am going to make you suffer like you did to Larimar and myself!"

"Oh really?" Lockdown strained against the bindings that held him to the chair. "How's the boy then? Was he taken from you? Forced to fight in arenas like a dog?"

Aurora growled before throwing his helm back and using her blade to cut into his other arm burying it deep into his arm this time.

Lockdown groaned and hissed but he did not scream like Aurora wanted him to.

"Did you find him then? Maybe after I get out of here I'll go looking for him myself. Teach him how to be a real man." Lockdown taunted.

Aurora roared slightly ripping the blade from his arm. "You will never lay a servo on him!" She growled. "I will not allow you to turn him into a monster like you!"

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