One Shall Fall

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After the little incident in the energon mine with the bots, Megatron had Knockout and Echo on the bridge trying figure out what happened to the sample Knockout had and came to the ship without it, Megatron was mad because of this and he needed an explanation.

Knockout was trying to pin this all on Echo for it, saying it was her fault and she helped Ratchet. Though Megatron so far was not convinced to it. "Is that so?" he asked

Knockout looked at his master. "Yes, my lord." he said

Megatron just glared before he looked at Echo. "Echo... what really happened?" he asked

Knockout just looked at him before looking at Echo. In a split second she pointed at him. "Knockout Dropped it!" she said quickly like a child ratting out the wrongdoings of their sibling.

Knockout just stared horrified before looking at Megatron who was just glaring at him he was ready to hear him yell but he got smacked upside the helm from behind. "Ow what on Cybertron!?" he asked

Knockout turned and he froze looking into familiar green optics he couldn't form any words at the moment his spark was pounding in his chest seeing those optics again. "L-Lyra?" he asked

Lyra looked into his optics for a while longer before she looked at Megatron. "I'm sorry for this my lord..." she said

"Be sure it doesn't happen again..." Megatron replied

Lyra then looked at her sparkmate before she grabbed his audial fin and started to drag him out of the bridge Knockout squawked a little as she did that Megatron just watched amused to see that. Well that looks all too familiar... he thought

The warlord dismissed everyone on the bridge so that he could speak with Echo.

Megatron then looked down at Echo. "He wasn't lying was he?"

She shook her helm.

"Did you get anything of what was on Ratchet?" he asked

"My servos were covered in it... Spitfire is analyzing what I brought back right now." She replied.

Megatron nodded to her. "Is there anything else you wish to tell me?" he asked

"Only Dad knows who Sabrina really is." She replied "all the other Autobots, including Optimus, are in the dark."

Megatron just looked at her stunned to hear that but he was also happy to hear that. Prime... you idiot not knowing she is my daughter... he thought

The small femme's audial fins and wings were drooping a little, still a little shaken from what she had witnessed in the mine.

Megatron looked at her before he moved away heading out of the bridge, Echo watched him and looked around the empty room before quickly trailing after her uncle like a lost puppy.

Megatron continued to walk as he turned his helm slightly to her before he got to Soundwave's office to see if there was anything new of Starfire, and there was. Soundwave didn't seem to like what he found.

Echo looked around his shoulder to see what it was he was looking at. "You okay Soundy?" She asked.

Soundwave looked at her before he shook his helm Megatron looked at the Silent Mech. "What did you find?" he asked

Soundwave looked at his leader before he pulled up what he found, Megatron looked to see a picture of Sabrina hugging a teenage boy smiling at the camera while sitting on the hood of a familiar vehicle. The boy had gold hair on the top of his head and black hair for the sides, black jeans and a yellow shirt his eyes were bright blue and the caption of the picture was. 'Hanging out with the boyfriend.'

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