Family Traits

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Some time later Megatron, Lyra a few other cons and WaterDancer were in the main palace and waited for the Autobot new arrive thought the former warlord was still not at all happy, he was not upset about who the bot was but the fact the mech in question was so headstrong. Megatron knew trying to convince him was going to be a challenge.

Please let it be easy to do this.... He thought to himself.

Megatron sighed before looking around the room again before sinking down into his own thoughts. He had not seen much of Soundwave or Starfire as of late. Come to think of it, he had seen his daughter more now overseeing his surveillance chief, he wondered what the silent mech was up to. He would investigate later.

Megatron heard voices and was snapped out of his daydreaming.

On the other side of the door the two voices got closer, when the door opened the new arrival looked into the room surprised and increasingly angry.

"We are conspiring with Mercenaries and Decepticons now? Megatron of all bots!"

Megatron rolled his optis knowing this would be his reaction.

"Ultra Magnus... we just went over this..."

"I did not believe it. And I do not believe it now. Optimus Prime would never do anything that you described."

"And yet he has..." Megatron respond his full attention was on Ultra Magnus. "And you refuse to know the truth... I can say I am not surprised."

"It seems he needs proof of past events." Lyra said coldly looking at the tall mech.

"Enough. If you all are going to get in a fight then you'll be spending the night in the drunk tanks at the local jail." Dancer soar offhandedly as she was searching through reports at one of the computer terminals.

Everyone looked at her a few were stunned while others got the warning quite clear.

"A fight among us is not what we need right now... not while Optimus is out there." Megatron replied

"The Great War just ended. Naturally there'd be tension on both sides, which is why the two factions are kept to the two different sides of the city. But I'm getting reports of defects among both Autobots and Decepticons. People are vanishing." She looked over her shoulder at them and her optic had a very serious look in it. "He might be recruiting."

That made quite a few tense, Megatron didn't like hearing this at all. "What?" He asked

"Optimus has a very clear new goal. And that goal is to wipe both Cybertron and Earth out." Dancer pushed a button and the footage of what happened at the omegalock replayed on the screen. She paused it at a critical moment. "The starsaber had been shattered. I don't remember anyone fixing it do you?" She looked right at the group.

No one answered for a few moments it seemed No one knew how it got there... not even Megatron who used it to destroy the omega lock.

"You think Primus might have something to do with it?" Lyra asked moving away from the corner she was in.

Dancer hit Play again and zoomed in on Megatron. Wide-eyed with fear his bio-lights suddenly flashed pure white and stayed vibrant blue. She zoomed in further slightly to the side and a ghostly figure resembling one of the primes in the room plunged a phantom blade into the ground and let go before it became a physical sword.

"Primus.... and his Primes." She zoomed out and pointed out other angry phantoms. Though... Solus and one other Prime were missing.

Megatron stared at the screen for a moment being thinking something did speak to him before he grabbed the Saber. Was it really Primus? He asked himself

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