Getting to Know You

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Months had gone by and the Decepticons had Raf and Miko totally convinced that Sabrina needed to stay on the warship with her father Jack however was still not convinced, Sabrina, Lyra, Echo and Spitfire were trying so hard to convince him but almost everything they tried never worked and it was kinda getting Megatron angered but he kept himself away from them just so he wouldn't upset his daughter.

The kids were with their Decepticons guardians they decided that it would be a good idea for them to get to know each other like the bots would have done.

Echo had Raf on the desk in her quarters and she had been making a metal flower with Raf's help and they had just finished painting it and were cleaning up. The flower had different colors of raf's handprints all over it. Echo chuckled and was helping Raf get the paint off his hands.

"Alright. Now that we finished our art project we can go back to learning more of the Cybertronian code. Didn't I tell you it would be good to step away from the computer for a while when it got all stressful for you?" Echo smiled at him gently. "The new flower is so pretty. When it dries I'll make it the new center flower in the vase I have over by the door."

"That sound like a good plan to me." Raf replied with a smile. "And yes it is nice to be away from my laptop every once in awhile."

"Maybe we can make one for Dad later." Echo said as she offered her servo to Raf.

Rafael smiled at her before climbing onto her servo. "I like that idea." He replied

Echo transferred Raf to her shoulder as they left her and the twins quarters, heading off to work on more cybertronian code.

Raf was just sitting there in Echo's shoulder thinking to himself he sighed a little.

"Something wrong Raf?" Echo asked.

Raf looked over to her. "I'm just... worried about Jack... he keeps saying that you and the Decepticons are just tricking us into this..." he replied

"But we're not. You know that right?" Echo asked.

"Yes I know that..." Raf replied. "Miko and I can see it I'm just worried Jack might not..."

"He'll come around. I'm sure of it." Echo reassured him.

"I hope so." Raf replied

"I mean I can understand how he wouldn't trust the guys. But us girls are good aren't we?"

"Yes you are... and I am really glad you three femmes are our guardians on the Nemesis I don't think any of us would be in really good care with the mechs."

"True. Buuuut Breakdown seems to be getting the hang of looking after Miko." Echo chuckled.

"That is true I don't think many of us would think that would happen though." Raf replied. "Because she loves hanging with Bulkhead."

"Yeah. But whether they admit it or not the two have similar likes and dislikes. They used to be really good friends actually." Echo sighed.

"They were?" Raf asked

"During the early years of the war Breakdown had been a wrecker." Echo told him

"Just like Bulkhead..." Raf said. "Do you know what happened?"

"Bulkhead didn't know that Breakdown was bonded. That he had a sparkmate. When my sister was taken prisoner and recruited to the Decepticon cause. Spitfire made a deal with Megatron saying that she would work for him loyally if her Sparkmate, who would come looking for her, would not be harmed and would be given a chance to join the Decepticon cause to be with her. Breakdown came like she said he would and he took the offer Megatron gave him. In doing so he betrayed the wreckers." Echo explained.

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