Prom Night!

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Soundwave was monitoring the screens and keeping an optic on everyone in the ship as he waited to hear more from Echo about Sabrina, since they had gotten the message of Optimus being parked at Echo's human house he was angered to it like Megatron but for a different reason than the warlord.

The silent mech may not of showed it with his faceplate covered but he had feelings towards Starfire, he wanted more than anything to express them to her but she was with the scout and it made him jealous.

Soundwave was looking through Sabrina's Facebook looking at things before he saw she posted something new he then contacted Megatron to see this.

The warlord soon walked into the room looking at his third in command, Soundwave then opened up what Sabrina had posted it was a video and she had a comment of it saying 'my friends and I were stalked as we were dress shopping... we watched a semi Truck get towed today.'

Megatron and Soundwave didn't know what to think about it before the silent mech played the video and to their shock it was Optimus Prime being towed away.

The both of them just stared at the screen before Megatron laughed. "Out of everything he has done, I have never seen him like this." he said

Soundwave looked at him and just nodded though he was also amused to the video they watched, then a massage came up on the screen from Echo the silent mech opened it up to find the picture of Sabrina's prom dress Soundwave just stared at the picture of the dress as he tried to imagine Sabrina in it.

Megatron just looked at it as well. "Why am I not surprised..." he said. "That she would pick that..."

Soundwave just continued to look at the image unable to do anything at the moment.


The silent mech came out of his thoughts and looked at his master.

"Tell Echo to keep with her for the night like before and we will try to think of a plan to get Starfire back home." Megatron continued

Soundwave nodded and looked back at the screen, the warlord soon left as Soundwave went to respond to Echo.

The next morning Echo was talking to Sabrina alone in the kitchen while Miko was getting her stuff ready Sabrina already had hers and they were waiting for Bumblebee to come get them.

Sabrina was still a little upset that the plan to get her back to Megatron failed but it sure did pay off with what happened last night, the two continued to talk before Miko came down with her stuff Sabrina looked at her. "Finally have your things?" she asked leaning against the wall.

"Yes... took a little bit." Miko replied

Sabrina just rolled her eyes before looking at Echo. "Well our ride should be here shortly..." she sighed.

Echo looked at her she knew Sabrina was unhappy still she tried to reassure grabbing her arms, Sabrina looked at her hand before looking at her. "It'll be alright Sabrina..." she said lowly. "We will find a way to get you back home."

Sabrina continued to look at her before she smiled and nodded, Echo then let her arm go before a car's horn was heard Sabrina looked out the window to see Bumblebee park outside the house.

"Looks like he's here." Sabrina said before looking at Echo. "see you at school Tali..."

"Will do Sabrina." Echo replied

Sabrina and Miko then got their stunned Echo and Spitfire had helped them get their stuff into Bee's alt mode as the scout used his holoform to get the girls into his alt mode before getting ready to leave.

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