I Would Do Anything!

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It had been a few hours since Miko and Sabrina came back to the Autobot's base, and Sabrina was starting to calm down talking to Jack, Miko and Raf getting comfortable with them again but she refused to talk to Optimus and Arcee she was still mad at them for not letting her go back to Megatron's ship.

Sabrina and the other kids talked about what she had done on the warship while she was there, they got a kick out of the fact that she had tested Laser pointers on Ravage and other things she had done with the fraggen cybercat.

The kids had mentioned the Nemesis Prime incident which got Sabrina to think before she looked over to Ratchet. "Ratchet..." she said

The old medic looked over to her. "Yes?" he asked

"There's something you need to know... about Echo." Sabrina replied

Ratchet just looked at her mentioning his daughter like this and it didn't sound good the the tone she used. "What about her?" he asked

Sabrina then got up and moved closer to him the kids followed her as well. "Before the warship went down... Echo and I got captured by MECH." she started to say

Ratchet really didn't like the sound of that and everyone else looked over to her, Sabrina then explained what had happened to the both of them of Echo missing some parts when they both woke up and Ratchet was mortified to hear this.

"How would that affect her transformation from bot to vehicle though?" Raf asked

Sabrina looked at him. "She's different from most... she is a triple changer." she replied

Arcee looked at her stunned to her that Optimus already knew this about Echo but he still looked at Sabrina.

"Triple changer?" Miko asked

"They can transform in more than one form..." Optimus said. "They are rare... but not uncommon."

The kids looked at him before looking back at Sabrina. "Soo what parts of here were really need for things?" Jack asked

Sabrina looked at him. "Think of it like her hood in car mode... is her top or chest armor piece." she replied pulling on her shirt.

The kids then froze staring at her Sabrina rolled her eyes before looking back towards Ratchet. "I figured you would've wanted to know about that." she said

Sabrina smiled and before she was about to say anything else Fowler had walked into the room they all looked at him. "How is Bulkhead doing?" he asked walking towards Optimus.

"He is recovering... slowly... but he is." Ratchet replied

Fowler looked at him before he noticed Sabrina beside him he looked at her. "When did you get back here?" he asked

Sabrina just looked at him before she looked away and crossed her arms, Optimus sighed. "A day ago Agent Fowler..." he replied

Fowler looked at him. "I thought you said she was with her father." he said

I was with him. Sabrina growled to herself.

"We were lead to believe that... we ended up finding she was with the Decepticons all this time." Optimus replied

Ratchet looked at him and groaned lowly grabbing the ridge between his optics, Agent Fowler looked at the old Medic before looking at the young girl. "If the Cons are after her..." he said before he went and grabbed her arm.

Sabrina looked at him funny as he grabbed her like that. "I'm taking her into federal custody." he continued

Sabrina's eyes widened before she pulled back. "NO!" she cried

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