Decepticon Guardians

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Echo and Lyra had returned to the Warship with Jack in hand the two were laughing a little after what they saw not too long ago while Jack was still freaking out in Echo's hold, a few Decepticons came to see what was so funny Knockout was more wondering he had seen his sparkmate laugh this hard in awhile it almost made him concerned for her.

Sabrina and the others also came running to them. "What is so funny?" she asked

Jack stopped hearing her voice and looked to see her, Miko and Raf they were not locked away like he thought they were, Lyra and Echo looked at them as well. "N-nothing... just watched Arcee get sat on by a femme is all..." Lyra replied

Everyone around them stopped and stared at her some of them laughed as well to hear that, Sabrina then moved closer to then before she noticed Jack in Echo's hold she stopped and looked at him. "Jack?" she asked

Miko and Raf looked at her before running to her side to see him as well, Knockout and the others looked at Echo as she let Jack down onto the floor once he was Miko and Raf ran up to him and hugged him Sabrina just smiled at them before she looked up at Echo. "I guess you brought Jack here to help with the plan to leave me here?" she asked

Echo nodded to her as Jack looked at her funny.

"And I guess you already talked to my sire about this?" Sabrina asked

Jack pulled away from Miko and Raf and just looked at her, Knockout was as well.

"Yes... Lord Megatron allowed me to retrieve him." Echo replied

"Wait what?!" Jack asked

Sabrina looked at him before she said. "Jack... I know this is uneasy for you it was for Miko and Raf for a while..." she replied

"What do you mean?" Jack asked as he moved to her.

"The fact that Sabrina is Megatron's daughter." Miko said

Jack froze and looked at the japanese girl in shock. "What?" he asked

"Miko! I was supposed to say it!" Sabrina snapped.

"Oh sorry..." Miko replied

Jack looked at her for a moment before he looked to Sabrina. "You can't be serious!" he said

"We are not lying Jack... Sabrina is Megatron's daughter..." Raf replied

Jack continued to stare at Sabrina he didn't know what to think of it and Sabrina sighed. "Now you see why I was snappy at you when you three took me away from here a while back." she said

"I... I don't know what to think..." Jack replied

Sabrina just sighed before she looked up at at Echo and Lyra. "I guess you already talked about who is going to be his guardian on the ship?" she asked

Jack froze again to hearing that.

"We have Sabrina." Echo replied

Knockout stopped and looked at them. "Who?" he asked

Lyra then grinned a little and looked at her sparkmate. "I am going to be..." she replied

Jack looked to the magenta femme as she looked at Knockout, the cherry red medic was just staring at her like she was kidding Breakdown had burst into laughter. "Lyra no... you can't be serious..." Knockout said.

"I am dead serious Knockout..." Lyra replied as she moved to him. "You will have to deal with it and stop bothering Breakdown about it as well."

Knockout just looked at her unable to respond to her as Breakdown, Miko, Echo, Spitfire and Sabrina were laughing at him the red mech groaned before she sighed in defeat. "Fine..." he said

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