Laser Madness

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Sabrina had been with the Decepticons for months now she was getting to know everyone better, she was still going to school and Megatron didn't like it one bit but she was still a human teenager and she had to go to the school.

Sabrina and Echo were in history class which they both hated the most, the past the time Sabrina was drawing something in her little book, though she was drawing she was not really know what was going onto the paper.

Echo was beside her she glanced over Sabrina a little and she stared to giggle lowly before she grabbed her phone and all Sabrina heard was a click, she jumped and looked at her funny. "What the frag Tali?" she asked lowly

"Sent..." Tali replied with a grin.

Sabrina looked at her funny before she looked down at her paper before her eyes widened. Oh frag! She thought.

Sabrina had drawn Megatron surrounded by Ponies, she then quickly grabbed the picture and tried to hide it from everyone else she blushed in embarrassment looking around no one else had seen the picture she sighed in relief before she looked back at Echo.

Echo chuckled a little before she was paying attention to the class again, Sabrina sighed before she grabbed her book again flipping it to another blank page. I hope my sire never sees that... she thought.

Wait... she said sent... Sent to who?!

Sabrina glanced at Echo again a little bit panicked now, the class soon ended everyone exited the room Sabrina and Echo left together going away from everyone else before Sabrina pulled Echo into another room.

"Sabrina what is this about?" Echo asked

Sabrina looked at her. "Tali, you said sent when you took that picture of what I drew.... Who did you send it to?" she asked

Echo looked at her before she grinned a little. "I don't know what your talking about..." she replied

"Tali.... You said sent when I looked at you!" Sabrina said

"And I'm not telling..." Echo smriked

"TALI!!!!" Sabrina whined before she went to reach for the phone

"Uh nope." Echo said moving her phone away from Sabrina.

Sabrina growled as she tried again to reach Echo's phone but Echo was keeping it high up in the air and not realising she had her massages up, the two girl continued this for a while Sabrina was getting real frustrated and Echo was enjoying herself.

Suddenly someone snatched Echo's phone from her both the girls looked to see Skyquake as he put Echo's phone on lock mode before giving it back to Echo. "you were sending our boss gibberish..." he said referring to soundwave though he wasn't about to specifically say it out loud in the school.

Echo and Sabrina just looked at him before they looked at each other.

"Boss?" Sabrina asked with dread.

"Yes lovely. The tall dark handsome one you can't stop blushing around." Echo teased.

Sky put his phone to his ear. "Yes. I found the problem. Sabrina was trying to steal her phone and Tali wasn't letting her have it. No you won't be getting any more nonsense texts. Yes I understand. Good bye sir." he said before hanging up. "And that was your father Sabrina. He said to stop terrorizing Talison."

Sabrina just looked at him before she groaned and crossed her arms over her chest. "Seriously?" she asked

Echo looked at her. "Hey you need to listen to your sire's orders." she said

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