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In the hospital of the nexus Megatron was in the lobby talking to Dreadwing and Lyra, a few of Optimus' Autobots were in the lobby as well and Megatron was trying to keep himself from going and attacking them but he hated it.

Seaspray walked in with a damaged Aurora in his arms and her face was buried in his neck and she appeared to be unconscious at the moment. She had cried herself out on the way to the hospital.

Megatron looked over and his optics widened to the state Aurora was in, she was missing an arm, the other was forcibly de-weaponized, her armor was damaged and she was covered in Energon. "Aurora?" he suddenly asked

Everyone in the hospital stopped and looked at Seaspray and a few nerses ran to him. "What happened?" one asked

"Lockdown escaped the restraints he was placed in and attacked her... he's dead now but she needs help..."

The nerses nodded before quickly rushing Aurora inside to get repaired. Megatron watched as they disappeared though the doors.

Optimus had randomly decided to check on his Autobots and was not happy with what he had seen but he hasn't heard what Seaspray had said.

The Prime walked over "what did you do?" he growled.

"Me?! Prime! You can't possibly think that was me!" Seaspray exclaimed. "Wreckers might be rough but we are not brutal!"

Optimus glared at Seaspray finding it hard to believe the wrecker. "If you are lying-"

"I saved her Prime. If you find that hard to believe then with all due respect. Fuck off." Seaspray poked Optimus repeatedly in the chest.

Megatron, Dreadwing and Lyra looked at the two of them Lyra did not like how her sire just accused Seaspray like that she moved away from her leader right up to her sire.

Seaspray stalked off onto the decepticon side of the waiting room and plopped down in a chair.

"Hey Seaspray! Why don't you come over here?" Bulkhead asked.

"No thanks Bulk. I'd rather sit over here near ol' sharkbite rather than with a leader that doesn't trust me." Seaspray replied.

Optimus looked at him before he sighed he was about to go and sit before he saw his youngest come to him.

"Lyra?" He asked

Lyra didn't look to impressed when she stopped and looked up at him. "Sire what the frag was that?" She asked

"I don't understand..." Optimus replied.

Lyra stared into his optics. "Since when have you ever accused an Autobot one of your men of something like this?!" She asked

"You don't understand Lyra." Optimus said.

"No!" Lyra snapped. "I do understand... you clearly didn't hear him when he told the nerses what happened to Aurora!"

"I lost your sister once I won't lose her again. She was taken from our home. They could have taken you too had they known you were there!" Optimus said very much on edge. "I looked. And I looked. But I didn't look hard enough! And now your nephew has no idea she exists. No idea we are family. So excuse me if I am overprotective."

Lyra looked at him she was not ever expecting to hear the work 'nephew' but she was still not impressed with her sire. "Overprotective?" Lyra asked. "Your accusing him of something, that he said Lockdown did!"

Red flickered in Optimus' optics clearly for Lyra to see. "I don't expect you to understand."

Lyra looked at her sire she saw the colour change in his optics but she needed to think about it for a moment.

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