Autobot Base

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The four humans had been at the Autobot's base for quite sometime, Sabrina still felt that she had been around these bots but she was not able to place it at all Optimus continued to explain why there were brought here. "And since you now know of our existence, I fear that as of last night the decepticons know of yours." he said

"Got it, we spot any strange vehicles - call 911." Jack replied. "Can we go now?"

Sabrina and Miko just looked at him. "Are you insane?" they both said

"I'm living a dream here in Bots-wana and I will not allow you or anyone else to shatter it!" Miko continued

"It is best that you four remain under our watch." Optimus replied looking at them. "At least until we can determine our enemies intentions."

Sabrina looked at the Autobot leader. Well at least he cares for our safety... she thought

"Optimus." Ratchet said. "With all due respect, the human children are in as much danger, here as anywhere!"

The four of them just looked at him, Sabrina growled lowly. Wait... why am I growling? She asked herself

"Children?!" Jack asked

The bots looked down at them, before Ratchet looked at Optimus again. "They have no protective shell! If they get underfoot they will go Squish!" he continued

Ratchet moved one of his pedes a little closer almost scaring the four of them but Sabrina just rolled her eyes. "Then for the time being, Ratchet." Optimus replied putting his servos onto his hips. "We must watch where we step."

Sabrina grinned a little to that, suddenly an alarm went off. "What the?" Sabrina asked

Ratchet moved to the monitor. "What's that?" Jack asked

:It's our Proximity sensor.: Bumblebee beeped

"Proximity sensor, Someone's on top." Raf said then pointed up.

Ratchet then opened up a video surveillance to see a Helicopter on the roof. "It's agent Fowler." he said

The four just looked at him. "I-I thought we were the only humans who know about you guys." Jack said

Sabrina looked at them before she crossed her arms over her chest. "Yes I thought so too." she replied

Optimus turned to the human children. "Special agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world, as he tends to visit only when there are issues.." he replied. "It may be best if you did not meet him at this time."

The kids nodded and moved to hide away from Fowler Sabrina remained where she was longer than the others before she went with the other three. Agent Fowler then came out of the Elevator "Seven wrecks, thirty four fender benders, a three hour traffic jam, and on particular note - numerous reports of a speeding motorcycle of unknown make and a black-and-yellow custom muscle car!" he stated.

The kids looked at him before they hid themselves better. "So, anything you care to get off you tin chassis, Prime?" Agent Fowler continued

Optimus moved to him. "We have the situation under control, agent Fowler." he replied

The human eyed him. "They're back, aren't they?" he asked

"If you are referring to the Decepticons I have doubts that they ever left." Optimus replied. "Your planet is much too valuable."

Sabrina was more interested in listening to this more than the others. "Then it's time to wake up the Pentagon." Fowler replied

"hear me, agent Fowler." Optimus said "We are your best, possibly your only defense against Decepticon threat."

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