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Hours after the Destruction of the Omega Lock meny were now on the hunt for Optimus Prime and none were as pissed off as Megatron was about it all, once returning to Earth his daughter was in her Quarters doing something as he went to find Optimus.

Megatron, Soundwave and a few others were in the bridge before they heard screeching, yelling and shouting of unfamiliar voices in the halls of the ship Megatron was confused before he looked to Soundwave.

Soundwave seemed confused as well when Ravage trotted in urgently with Miko and several unfamiliar humans who looked similar to Echo's charge Raf.

"What in the pits of Kaon?!" Megatron asked really confused

The former warlord knelt down and offered his servos to the humans. Miko hopped straight on them while the other two were hesitant but the Japanese girl pulled the boy and girl onto his servos.

"Miko. What is going on here?" Megatron asked as he stood back up.

"Starscream! He swooped into town and destroyed half of Jasper!" She cried.

The other two humans were trembling under Megatron's gaze.

"What?" Lyra asked

"Yeah! He's got Jack, Raf, agent Fowler and the rest of their families." Miko replied. "Fortunately for me he didn't snag my host parents."

Megatron frowned and neither Lyra or Echo seemed happy to hear of what was happening. In fact the two femmes seemed downright pissed, the magenta femme and the blue medic left the bridge to find the seeker with Dreadwing and Skyquake on their tails.

Knockout groaned "why can't he seem to take a hint? And stay out of trouble?"

Megatron looked at the red mech before he followed after them with the humans in his servo.

"Tell me Miko. Did you see Optimus at all in Jasper?" Megatron asked.

Miko looked up at him. "No... I didn't see him." she replied "he would have stopped Starscream if he was there."

"I am no longer so sure of that." Megatron told her.

Miko seemed really confused about that she was about to ask before they heard more screaming but it was all too familiar to Most if them.

"It sounds like the femmes found Starscream."

"I can tell... dude. Do you think they'll scrap him?" Miko asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised if happened in such a way that he did perish. He has recently become more than a minor nuisance." Megatron rounded a corner and spotted Dreadwing and Skyquake with their guns out pointing at the small seeker with quite the group of people behind them looking terrified. Echo had Jack and Raf in her arms and Lyra was strangling Starscream.

Megatron was slightly amused to seeing this but he was just as angry as the femmes were with the seeker. "Lyra." he said

Lyra looked over to Megatron.

"Escort our guests to Starfire. I will handle Starscream."

Lyra continued to look at him before glaring at Starscream letting him go and punched him in the face before taking the humans from Megatron and left the area.

"I may be changing my ways Starscream." Megatron said as he walked toward the seeker. "But I think it is time I took Spitfire's advice. And take care of the problem before you cause any more issues!"

The seeker looked up at him terrified and unsure of what Megatron was talking about. but he didn't want to know at the same time.

Starscream screamed and his voice box glitched once more as he made a run for it, transforming and jetting away as fast as he could.

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