She's Mine!

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Hours later Megatron had returned to the warship and he walked through the halls to Sabrina's quarters again he entered the room to see her still asleep in her human bed, he sighed before he moved to the side activated his holoform and moved to her.

Megatron sat on the bed and looked at her moving his hand to her head and petting her a little. "Do not worry my little star... they will not hurt you ever again." he said lowly.

The warlord continued to sit on her bed before he got up and went to leave to his quarters.

Within the Autobot base Optimus and Ratchet were doing their normal things before the others had returned to the base with the kids before anything could happen Agent Fowler as stormed into the room and the Autobots looked at him

"What is this Prime?!" Fowler asked

Optimus and Ratchet looked at him funny. "I am not sure what you mean, Agent Fowler..." he said moving towards him.

"Then you might want to look at this..." Fowler said before handed something to Ratchet.

The old medic took it before playing it onto the screen the Bots looked at the screen and same with the kids, and once it popped up there was horror all over the human's faces the bot just looked at this.

It was images of a human house and blood was all over everything the walls, floor furniture everything no one knew what to say, Optimus looked down at Fowler. "The scene was discovered at around 2:30am last night when the neighboring houses heard screaming and the sound of a jet leaving the area." Fowler said

"I have never seen so much blood in all my life..." Jack said just starting at the images.

"I am not sure what this is still about Agent Fowler..." Optimus replied

"There was an image that was taken off the news." Fowler said as he gave the medic another image holder.

Ratchet did the same thing with it and the image popped up the bots just started at the screen as well as the humans too.

On one wall was written 'She's Mine!' and the Decepticon insignia was underneath it all in blood. "'She's mine'?" Rafael asked.

"Who Is it talking about?" Jack asked

"I don't know but we better find out before the Decepticons capture whoever it is... hopefully it's not too late." Optimus replied

"I discovered that the murdered humans were Sabrina's foster parents..." fowler replied

Optimus looked down at him stunned to hear that.

"How would the Decepticons know about Sabrina and her foster parents?" Arcee asked

"I do not know..." Optimus replied

Ratchet looked at his old friend before he groaned lowly. You still have not figured it out?! He asked himself.

"Well if it is Sabrina the cons are after she will need protection." Bulkhead said

The bots nodded in agreement but Ratchet was not agreeing with it. She belongs with Megatron he is her sire. He thought.

A few days later the kids were just coming out of the school Jack, Miko and Raf didn't see Sabrina most of the day and when they did she was with Tali, Skyler and Dominic a lot but today she was sort of alone.

"Sabrina! Wait."

Sabrina turned to look at them as she was about to leave the building. "Hey... guys." She said

The kids got to her. "You alright... you looked real scared on Friday before you left." Miko said

Sabrina looked at her before she looked away.

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