Plans of MECH

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Days after the death of her foster parents Sabrina was herself again and ever since she was brought onto the Warship Megatron could see she was starting to act a lot more like she was before she disappeared.

Sabrina was hanging out with Bumblebee in a park the two had not been out to see each other for sometime, the two of them were on the hood of Bee's alt mode the young girl snuggled into the scout's holoform as he pulled her to him kissing her head.

They were also being watched by Spitfire and Echo from a fair distance away, the femmes just watched them. "They are so cute there..." Spitfire said lowly

"Yeah... but I don't think it will last when she transforms..." Echo replied

"What do you mean?" Spitfire asked.

Echo sighed. "I saw the look... like we had with our now sparkmates..." she replied

"With who?"


Spitfire stopped for a moment. "Wait what?" she asked

"Starfire has feelings for Soundwave..." Echo replied

"Oh dear... this could get interesting." Spitfire said.

"It will be." Echo replied

Spitfire laughed a little, the Deception femmes continued to watch them. "She looks like she loves Bumblebee but... then again." Echo started to say

"Yep... I know Echo." Spitfire replied

The two laughed lowly before Spitfire received something Echo looked at her. "I am guessing you're needed?" she asked

"Yes..." Spitfire sighed. "I'll see you and Sabrina on the warship."

Echo nodded to her as her sister drove off to call for a bridge when Echo remained to watch Sabrina and Bumblebee, the two continued to just remain on his alt mode before they sat up. :You know... I can't want to see what you really look like when you transform into your true self.: he said

Sabrina looked at him. How will he react to me being Megatron's daughter? She asked herself

Bumblebee smiled at her before pulling her into a kiss, Sabrina melted into it and kissed back moving her arms over his shoulders.

Echo sighed and sunk down further on her wheels "Sabrina.... I just... I don't want you to get hurt..." she said lowly to herself

Bee and Sabrina pulled away from each other and looked into each other's eyes.

:I will see you later Sabrina?: Bee asked

Sabrina smiled. "Of course..." she replied

Bumblebee nodded he gave her a small kiss before he deactivated his holoform, Sabrina moved off the hood before she started to move away.

:Love you Sabrina.: Bumblebee said

Sabrina smiled at him. "Love you too." She replied

Bumblebee backed away and drove off as Sabrina headed over to Echo, the femme just looked at her as she came to her.

Sabrina sighed before she got into the alt mode of Echo.

"Have fun, Sabrina?" Echo asked

"Indeed I did." Sabrina replied and looked to the side. "Where did Spitfire go?"

"She was called back to the Warship early." Echo replied as she started to drive away.

"Ah..." Sabrina replied and relaxed herself into the set.

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