Speed Metal

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Echo, Breakdown and Spitfire were in the medbay trying to figure out where the repairs of Lord Megatron were going to start and they also discussed a little about Princess Starfire while Starscream was not around.

Breakdown was using the buffer to buff Megatron's armor, while Echo was trying to see where to go from here and wondering where Knockout was not long after the doors opened letting Starscream in. "Ah, Echo, Spitfire, Breakdown, has there be any change in Megatron's condition?" he asked

Breakdown looked at Megatron still holding the buffer. "Only cosmetic." he replied

"No kidding." Spitfire added

Starscream looked at her. "Well, I'm sure, that you both and the two doctors have been doing everything in your power." he said

Echo looked around. "Where is Knockout?" she asked

Not long after that Knockout walked into the med bay. "Could you believe, what some skin job did to me? Ugh." he complained tapping the scratch on his arm.

Spitfire and Echo just looked at him and sighed shaking their helms, as he walked up beside Megatron. Echo glared at him. "If it's not a major dent I don't care." she growled

"You've been street racing among the humans again, haven't you?" Starscream asked

"I'm not only an automobile I'm an automobile enthusiast." Knockout replied turning to him

Echo rolled her optics to that, Starscream glared at him. "I do strive run a tight ship, Knockout. I would strongly suggested you seek my permission next time you decide to disappear on one of your little... jaunts." he growled

"No worries, head comendant." Knockout replied

That caused Starscream to become angry at him. "It. Is. Lord! To you." he growled

Knockout just looked at him. "Only if Megatron takes a nosedive." he replied

Starscream groaned and moved to him. "The day our master emerges from stasis I will graciously relinquish the title." he said

Spitfire and Echo just looked at the Seeker. Yeah right... they thought.

"But I believe that outcome is unlikely. Something to do with the quality of medical care around here." Starscream continued.

Echo glared as Knockout just gave him a sly grin.

"Excuse me?!" Echo snapped. "You may run the ship. But this is MY Medbay." she hissed "Lord Starscream." she added on sarcastically. "Now unless you have something productive. To add to my team at this point in time. I suggest you leave. Before I inform Skyquake you are hindering my work on Lord Megatron's repairs."

Starscream just looked at her startled before he recovered and huffed turning away. "continue buffing. we do want Megatron looking his best for the memorial." he said as he left

Breakdown went to continue buffing Megatron's Armor as Knockout raised his arm once Starscream was gone. "Buff this!" he stated

Echo growled at him before she moved closer, Knockout looked at her. "I didn't know you had it in you Echo." he said

Echo glared. "Don't you start!" she spat

Knockout backed up a step. "Scrap."

Meanwhile Sabrina was with Miko and Raf as they waited for Jack and Arcee to get back once they did and Arcee left the kids ran to him. "Dude!" Miko grinned "Vroom vroom vroom! And the winner is..."

Jack just looked at her. "Miko, who... who told you?" he asked

Sabrina looked at him funny. "You're kidding right?" she asked

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