Hyper... again.

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The next day Megatron awakening from his recharge he opened his optics before he went to sit up but he felt something of his chest that he was not expecting, the warlord looked down to see Sabrina curled up on his Decepticon insignia and was fast asleep.

Megatron just looked at her bowler knowing what he should do at the moment he looked around a little knowing he needed to get up but he also didn't want to awake Sabrina up as well. What do I do? He asked himself.

Megatron laid his helm back onto the berth trying to think of what to do at them moment, he remained there looking at his sleeping daughter before a knocking was heard at his door, he looked towards it before it opened to see Soundwave looking at him. "Soundwave... a little help..." Megatron said lowly

Soundwave looked at him before he looked at Sabrina still asleep he smiled under his visor as he moved to Megatron, once the silent mech got to the warlord he lightly and gently grabbed Sabrina and got her off of Megatron.

The warlord sighed lowly before he sat up finally before getting out of his berth. "I guess she got here last night and fell asleep on my chest..." Megatron said

Soundwave just looked at he looked down at the sleeping princess. "Look after her for now Soundwave..." Megatron continued

Soundwave looked at him before he nodded Megaron then got up and left his quarters Soundwave looked down at Sabrina before he left as well heading to his office, Soundwave got to his office before he set Sabrina down on a table before he returned to his own work.

Time passed and Sabrina was still asleep Soundwave had looked at her every now and then while he worked, not too long after Echo had entered the room.

"Soundwave... Is Starfire with you?" Echo asked

Soundwave then pointed over to Sabrina without looking at him. "Oh..." Echo said

Echo then moved to Sabrina before she nudged her a little. "Sabrina... wake up."

Sabrina groaned before she opened her eyes and looked at her. "Uh..." she said

"Sabrina... it's time to wake up..." Echo replied

Sabrina continued to look at her before she stretched and yawned before she looked around. "W-where am I?" she asked

"Soundwave's office..." Echo replied

Sabrina stared before she looked around and found Soundwave looking at her, Sabrina just stared at him and her face was slowly going red. So fraggin HOOOOOOTTTTTT! She thought

Sabrina continued to look at the silent Mech as he looked at her Echo looked between the two of them before she realized what was going on. Oh dear... she thought. "Sabrina... your sire wanted me to take you to the medbay."

Sabrina soon took her gaze off Soundwave and looking at Echo. "What for?" She asked

Echo smiled a little before she laid her servo out. "You'll see." She replied

Sabrina just looked at her before she climbed onto her servo. "Alright."

Echo smiled before she looked at Soundwave. "Thanks for looking after her Soundwave." She said before she left

Sabrina looked to look at Soundwave as she and Echo left his office, she then looked at Echo.

It didn't take them long to get there Megatron, Spitfire and Breakdown were there as well, Echo placed Sabrina onto the berth. The young girl looked at her as she moved to a monitor.

Megatron leaned himself on the wall looking at the blue femme as she went and scanned Sabrina.

Sabrina didn't know what this was about but she was fine with it, Echo finished scanning her looking at the screen. Spitfire moved to her sister. "Everything seems to be registering that she is our princess but can't figure out how she is human..." Echo said

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