The Human Factor.

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(Oh my Lord finally sorry to took SOOOO long to get this out but it's here now and hope you enjoy :D)

A few hours after the Autobots discovered that Starfire and Echo were gone the Tempest returned setting off the proximity sensor.

Optimus and Ratchet looked towards the screen before the Prime went to the top of the base to meet them.

As WaterDancer walked down the ramp with her brother Seaspray, the two were talking about something.

"You sure this is what you wanna do?" She asked.

"Yeah. I mean. It's the reason I came to Earth in the first place." Seaspray replied.

"Okay. So you want your cut based in Energon?" Dancer looked up at him.

"Yeah. Nothin else will help really. Credits and gear aren't what's needed right now." Seaspray said.

Dancer looked ahead and noticed the two Autobots "Oh. Hello." She greeted.

Optimus and Ratchet just looked at them before Optimus asked. "Where did you go?"

"Well it should be obvious. We did as contracted and took the princess and the other lovely lady back home to the Nemesis where they belonged and got paid quite well for our trouble." Dancer replied.

Optimus continued to look at them he was not to thrilled to hear that but he sighed to himself. "I guess when you get a job... you do it if it pays well." He said

"My rates are quite high." Dancer said with a slight smirk.

Seaspray cleared his throat "Excuse me Optimus but I have a request."

Optimus looked to him. "Go on..." he replied

"I would like to join Team Prime." Seaspray stated.

Optimus continued to look at him before he said. "We will gladly welcome you to our team. This is just what he needed... more Autobots to help protect this world."

"Thank you. I'll also be bringing energon with me." Seaspray said "I'd like to give it to the team."

Optimus nodded to him before he went back down into the base Ratchet stayed up there for a moment before looking back at them.

Wheeljack walked out of the ship. "Where's Prime?"

"He went back into the base." Ratchet replied

"I got somethin I need to tell him and the rest of the team." Wheeljack said.

Ratchet nodded and he and Wheeljack went down into the base. the team was talking to themselves Smokescreen was keeping to himself not really wanting to get in trouble again like he had hours ago.

Seaspray walked in behind them carrying quite a few crates of much needed Energon.

Everyone looked to see the energon and a most of them were relieved to see the fresh source of Energon.

"Look at all that Energon..." Miko said getting up.

"It's only a little under half of my pay. I'll bring the rest after a bit." Seaspray said setting the crates of Energon down.

"I got some information for you guys that you might find interesting." Wheeljack stated.

Optimus looked to him. "Go ahead..." he replied

The team all looked at Wheeljack wanting to know what he had to say.

"I was on the bridge of the Tempest when WaterDancer contacted Nexus control. A space station for the mercenaries. They're moving the base of operations to the rings of Saturn." Wheeljack said

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