Trash and Dash

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Sabrina was startled away to something hitting the metal floor she opened her eyes and sat up to find Ratchet looking around. "Did you hear that?" She asked

Ratchet nodded they both looked around before they heard it again. "Optimus?" He asked

He turned to see a spider like thing coming at him he and Sabrina gasped. "By the allspark!" He stated

The thing attacked him but missed then it saw Sabrina went to attack her she got up and ran from it. "Get away from her!!" He growled

Ratchet took a metal rod and attacked the thing as he went behind the medical computers and destroyed something, Ratchet growled. "I needed that!" He snapped

Ratchet continued to attack it then it went to strike him but Optimus shot it from the air and they walked to it it tried to get up and Optimus stomped on it. "And stay broken." Ratchet said then looked at Optimus. "Now what could've caused that?"

Optimus retracted his mask. "I have a grave suspicion, Ratchet." He replied

Sabrina just looked at them. "Dark Energon." He said

They got the dead spider thing into a tube looking at it. "If the residue Arcee found on Cliffjumper bought your broken equipment to life." Optimus said and closed the tube. "It would stand to reason, that the same substance brought Cliffjumper back from the dead."

Ratchet thought about this for a while. "That would account for his life signal inexplicably come back online, but Dark Energon?" He asked. "It's so scarce seems to be virtually non-existent. What would it be doing on Earth?"

"It was transported, by Megatron." Optimus replied

"For what purpose?" Ratchet asked

Optimus looked at him before he looked at Sabrina. "To conquer this planet, by raising an army of the undead." He replied

Ratchet looked at him and chuckled again "Well, Megatron would need to break quite a few toaster ovens." He said

Sabrina and to keep herself from laughing from that comment. "I mean, where on this world would he find that many Cybertronian dead." Ratchet said

The three then drove in with the other children they laughed, as they came in. "That was awesome!" Jack said

"Can we go again?" Raf asked

"Sweet!!!" Miko said

A loud clunk was heard and Bulkhead groaned a little pulling out what looked like a guitar. "Sorry, must of left that in the back seat..." Miko apologised

Sabrina looked at them before she smiled. "Autobots prepare to-." Optimus stopped mid sentence

The bots looked at him. "Roll out?" Arcee asked

"Remain here..." Optimus said then looked at Ratchet. "Ratchet, you'll come with me."

Sabrina looked at them before she walked down the stairs. "Dude you're the biggest, you should be in charge." Miko stated

Bulkhead looked at her. "Err, he... Never picks me." He replied

Arcee walked to Optimus and Ratchet. Optimus, with all do respect... Playing bodyguard is one thing, babysitting is another." She said

Jack sighed and moved to where Sabrina was. "Besides, Ratchet hasn't been in the field since the war..." Arcee continued

"My Pistons may be rusty, but my hearing is sharp as ever!" Ratchet growled

Sabrina kept herself from laughing to that. "For the moment, it's only reconnaissance." Optimus replied

Arcee looked at him. "Then why do I hear an edge in your voice?" She asked

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