Skyquake's Twin

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For the past few days Sabrina had been making Ravage go crazy over the laser pointers and every time Megatron had been taking them away from her but somehow the Princess of the Decepticons had more of them and it drove the Warlord nuts.

Sabrina was with said Cybercat on his back moving through the warship with the laser pointer and this time she had secured herself onto Ravage's back as he moved fast through the ship, the two ran for a while before suddenly Ravage stopped near the Bridge luckily Sabrina was able to hold on better this time.

The young princess look down at the Cybercat. "Ravage... is something wrong?" she asked

Ravage looked up at her before he walked to the doors of the bridge and walked in where Megatron and Soundwave there Echo and Skyquake were off to the side a little, Sabrina looked at her sire and the silent Mech.

Sabina then got off Ravage once he stopped and knelt down near them, Sabrina then walked to her sire as he laid his servo down her for. Sabrina got onto it before he lifted her to his shoulder for her to sit on.

Ravage moved to his master before the doors opened again Sabrina looked towards it and made a weird face at the mech who walked in, Echo and Skyquake were clearly happy to see this Mech. Echo was barely restraining herself and was bouncing a little in place Skyqyake put a servo on her shoulder to stop the motion and keep her in place but it didn't stop her excited energy from infecting the entire room. The mech looked a lot like Skyquake but his colors were Dark blue and gold he looked over to see Echo and Skyquake before he approached Megatron and Soundwave then kneeled before him Sabrina just looked at the mech.

"Lord Megatron, I live to serve."

"Rise, Dreadwing."

Sabrina stopped and looked at her sire. Dreadwing? She asked herself.

Sabrina looked back at Dreadwing as he got back onto his pedes.

"Loyalty such as yours is a rare commodity." Megatron continued.

Dreadwing looked at him. "Mine runs deep and true, yet it is not loyalty alone that brought me here." he replied before he looked over to Echo and Skyquake.

Sabrina looked at him before looking over to the other two, she leaned a little too far and she toppled over on Megatron's shoulder luckily her back smacked into part of the warlord's shoulder.

Megatron looked to see her before he sighed Dreadwing was a little confused he didn't see her.

"Starfire... you need to be careful." Megatron stated.

Dreadwing froze for a moment as the warlord lifted his servo to his shoulder.

"Sorry... I slipped." Sabrina replied getting onto his servo before looking at Dreadwing.

The warlord looked back at Dreadwing seeing the look on the seeker amused him a little.

Dreadwing was trying so hard to keep a straight face. But between Echo's hyper gleeful squealing over the spark bond and the shock of the princess being alive and a tiny little... Thing. He looked so confused.

Megatron sighed and just shook his helm. "I'll let Skyquake and Echo explain to you what is going on Dreadwing..." he said as he moved his servo away from his shoulder.

Sabrina never took her eyes off Dreadwing not knowing what to think at the moment, Megatron looked at Sabrina before he looked over to Skyquake and Echo. "Skyquake, Echo... you both and Dreadwing are dismissed and... take Starfire with you."

Skyquake nodded and took Sabrina from Megatron while keeping ahold of Echo and he made a helm motion for his brother to follow quickly. Dreadwing nodded and they left the bridge, walking quickly.

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