Protection for the Princess

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It had been a few earth hours since Soundwave found out about Sabrina he knew that it would please his master when he woke up to have his Daughter there when he did he needed to come up with a plan and he figured that Skyquake could help him out.

The silent Mech walked down the halls of the warship thinking to himself, when Skyquake had gotten to the ship Starscream had tried to get him to bow before him but Skyquake refused to. The much larger seeker had hit him again.

It took Soundwave a little bit of time before he nearly ran into Skyquake they looked at each other. "Soundwave..." The green and bronze Mech said

Soundwave just nodded at him. "You left Optimus prime alive..." Soundwave used many different voices to make the sentence

Skyquake just looked at him. "... Yes..." Skyquake replied

Soundwave just looked at him before he showed on his visor Sabrina, Skyquake seemed surprised. "You saw her too?" He asked

Soundwave nodded. "You realized you put her in danger and left..." Soundwave replied with recordings

Skyquake Continued to look at him, Soundwave then played the clip of Sabrina talking to Optimus and Bumblebee before they disappeared into the ground bridge.

Skyquake growled lowly. "She's with the Autobots?" He asked

Soundwave nodded. "We must find a way to get her away from them." He started

Skyquake nodded. "But how do we go about getting her away from them?" He asked

Soundwave looked at him. "Echo." He replied using Dreadwing's voice

Skyquake just stared at him. "My and my twin's Sparkmate?" He asked

Soundwave nodded. "She's on this world." He replied

Skyquake's optics widened to hear that. "You are serious???" He asked

"Yes." Soundwave nodded again.

Skyquake continued to just stare at the Silent mech completely stunned. she usually stuck to at least one the twins like glue... "Why is she not with my twin?" He asked

"I will let her explain that." Soundwave replied

Skyquake continued to look at him disbelief written all over his face before he looked away. "Alright... How do we get Echo here?" He asked

"I will call her here." Soundwave replied

Skyquake looked at him and nodded, the two mechs then walked away in case anyone was near them. They got to the control room before Soundwave went to contact Echo, Skyquake waited beside Soundwave as he did so.

"Soundwave? This is unexpected." Echo's voice came through

Skyquake just remained quiet though he really wanted to talk to her. "Echo we need you on the nemesis." Soundwave said

"What do you need, Soundwave?" Echo asked

"I will explain when you arrive..." Soundwave replied

A sigh was heard though the com-link. "Alright... I'll be there as soon as I can." She replied

Soundwave gave her rendezvous coordinates then ended the communication before he looked at Skyquake, the two mechs looked at each other before they moved away to meet Echo.

It didn't take the two long before they got there and same with Echo's ship they saw it coming towards them it landed, Skyquake had to keep himself from rushing towards the landed ship as it opened, he had not seen Echo in Eons.

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