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After the defeat of Unicron the Chaos Bringer Megatron and returned to the warship with his Daughter still in his chest compartment and Optimus or at the moment Orion Pax.

It had really confused Megatron to see that just happen after the Matrix's energy was released, but he was going to use this to his advantage big time.

Megatron was heading to the med bay after he had sent Orion to there with Knockout to get the Deception shield onto him, thought he was done by the time he got there he had told Soundwave to meet him there.

Once he was there Orion was sent to a place to rest for a bit, while Soundwave entered the area. "My lord... is something wrong?" Echo asked

Megatron looked at her before he was able to respond Lyra entered the med bay. "What is the plan now my lord?" She asked

Megatron sighed. "Nothing is needed to find Starfire now." He replied

Everyone looked at him confused before the warlord opened his chest compartment and pulled a still knocked out Sabrina into his servo everyone was stunned Echo moved closer. "You got her." She said

Megatron looked at her again and nodded. "But how?" Lyra asked

Megatron looked at her before he looked at his daughter in his servo. "Grabbed her from the Autobot base..." he replied

Everyone stopped and looked at Megatron funny to hear that. "Wait, what?" Knockout asked

"The Autobot's base?"

"My Lord... h-how and when did you even get into their base?"

Megatron sighed still looking at his daughter as she shifted a little in his servo. "Unicron was going to destroy the earth with his awakening... and Only Prime was able to defeat him... though they allowed me into their base to get into Unicron's spark chamber..." he responded

Everyone stopped again before Echo looked down at Sabrina again. "Echo I need you to check if she is alright... when inside the earth's core I was thrown all over the place." Megatron continued

Echo looked up at him before she nodded and gently took Sabrina from him before she moved to the Medical berth, Megatron just looked at her before he moved to the side. "My lord may I ask..." Lyra asked

Megatron looked at her.

"If they allowed you into the base they would been keeping an optic on you while there... just how did you manage to snatch Starfire under their watch?" she asked

Megatron continued to look at her before he sighed. "Ratchet..." he replied

Echo and Spitfire looked up at him to that. "What?" they asked

Megatron looked over to them. "Ratchet distracted the other Autobots... for me to grab Starfire..." he replied

Echo and Spitfire just looked at him stunned before they continued on checking Starfire. Wow dad just... wow... Echo thought

Megatron then looked at his daughter as his nieces checked her over making sure she was alright and nothing had harmed her, the girls were finished and Starfire was just fine all they had to do was wait until she woke up.

Megatron had taken Starfire with him into his quarters he wanted to be there when she woke up and he would make sure of it he had sat down on his berth with Starfire resting beside him as he was looking over reports on a datapad he was given.

A really low groan came out of Sabrina as she started to wake up she opened her eyes slightly before she sat up, grabbed her head and groaned a littled. Oh... my head. She thought

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