Operation: Breakdown

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It had only been a few hours since Sabrina and the kids got off the Nemesis and Sabrina had a lot of questions in her mind as to what she had felt with looking into the optics of the Warlord, and of the fact that the cons keep calling her 'Princess' she just wanted to know what this was all about.

Sabrina was in the main area of the Autobot base sitting on the couch she looked at Ratchet who was doing his normal work, she thought to herself before she got up and moved to the old medic. Ratchet noticed her coming towards him. "Yes Sabrina?" he asked

Sabrina looked at him before she slowly brought her arms up crossing them. "Ratchet... I have something I need to ask..." she replied

Ratchet turned to her. "Alright go ahead..." he said

Sabrina looked down for a few moments taking a deep breath before she looked at him. "Do you know... what it is that I feel when Megatron and I... are near each other?" she asked

Ratchet looked at her he knew that she would feel the bond between her and her sire eventually but he didn't know when it would happen or who to explain it to her. "There might be something between the two of you that you must find for yourself..." he replied. "When did this start?"

Sabrina looked into his optics. "When he returned to his own body from Bumblebee's." she said

Ratchet looked away trying explain this but not so much that she would freak out. "Interesting... we will have to look into this." he replied

Sabrina smiled to that then she started to walk away. "Sabrina..." Ratchet said

Sabrina stopped and looked at him. "I had talked to Optimus and I am now your guardian..." Ratchet continued

Sabrina stared at him in shock before she smiled. "I would like that... Ratchet..." she replied

Ratchet returned the smile before he returned to his work and Sabrina went and sat down on the couch again.

Meanwhile on the warship Starscream was heading to the Med bay with his destroyed by Cybercat arm growling to himself he entered the med bay to see Breakdown, Spitfire, Knockout and Echo they all looked at him. "Just look at what that accursed feline has done to my arm!" he growled

Echo and Spitfire rolled their optics to that while Knockout and Breakdown sighed unamused, seeing that there was scratches on good arm. Ravage came into the room not too long after Starscream glared and moved away from the cybercat as Ravage moved to Echo.

"Oh, he was only playing." Echo said in good humor kneeling down to pet the cat and scratch behind his ears.

Starscream glared. "DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM!!!!" he growled

Ravage looked at him almost grinning while he was purring from the helm rubbing from Echo.

Starscream glowered "wretched beast probably has a taste for my energon now."

"Well Starscream... you shouldn't have left the Med bay like I told you." Knockout replied

Starscream looked at him before he sighed. "Just get me patched up!" he said

"Knockout if you would be so kind as to assist the commander. Lord Megatron has given me an assignment with Skyquake and we need to make preparations." Echo stated.

Knockout looked at her and sighed. "Alright..." he replied

Echo soon left the room heading to her quarters.

A few days after the escape of the warship, Sabrina was doing some homework while she was waiting for the bots return from missions. Bulkhead was off scouting an energon signal and had not reported back in and it sort of scared Sarina.

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