Stronger, Faster

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Sabrina was sitting on the couch in the main kids hang out doing her homework she groaned for she hated homework but if she didn't get it done she would be like Miko all the time and she didn't want that, she was nearly done on her work while Raf was watching her. "Hmm."

Sabrina looked at Ratchet as Raf moved to the Edge. "Surprisingly stable." the old Medic continued.

"Hey Ratchet." Raf said looking at him. "Is that synthetic Energon?"

Ratchet looked at him as Sabrina got her work done. "Well, yes in fact I'm preparing to test the sample." he replied and grabbed a Energon injector. "I see that you'd come equipped with protective goggles."

Sabrina then closed her books before she looked over to them. "I can watch?" Raf asked

Sabrina smiled as Ratchet chuckled a little. "We just add some to this test engine..." Ratchet said as it added it into the engine.

The three of them then waited looking at it before it started to work. "It works! Bee!" Raf called

"Pep epep... This iteration of the formula requires further trial before we can even think about using it for fuel, ammunition, or first aid, which is rather unfortunate, since our own energon reserves are at an all-time low." Ratchet replied sounding disappointed

Sabrina looked at him she felt sorry for him. "Our severely outnumbered warriors have been rapidly burning through our stockpile as of late as the decepticon army continues to run us ragged and grind us down." Ratchet continued. "Natural energon is in such short supply on your planet, and Megatron seems to have his oily claws buried deep in all the earth's deposits."

Ratchet paused for a moment before he looked at Sabrina and Raf. "But if we can successfully produce a synthetic form, we can manufacture all the energy we'll ever need." he finished

Then the alarm went off and the bots moved to see what was going on. "More energon on the move." Arcee said

"Again?" Bulkhead asked

Sabrina moved closer to see what was happening on the screen. "Their recent activity suggests a familiar pattern, the decepticons are desperately scouting for new deposits to mine." Optimus said before me moved towards the ground bridge. "Autobots!"

"Optimus..." Ratchet said.

Optimus stopped and looked at him. "If one of you comes back wounded this time... well, our energon reserves are nearly depleted." Ratchet continued.

Optimus continued to look at him. "Understood." he replied. "Activate the ground bridge."

Ratchet activated it. "Autobots, roll out!" Optimus continued before he transformed as will as the others.

The bots left soon after and the old medic just watched them before he sighed. "Sometimes I wish I could do more." he said

Sabrina looked at him before he stopped and looked to the side Sabrina looked at way before she knew what he was going to do and she looked at him. No your not going too... she thought

Ratchet then moved to the synthetic Energon before he grabbed the injector put the synthetic Energon into before he was about to put it into himself, Sabrina ran towards him but he had already put it into his arm. Sabrina stopped and just stared before Ratchet dropped the injector breaking the glass cylinder and fell to the ground.

Sabrina and Rafael ran to him hoping he was ok Raf climbed into the old Medic. "Ratchet?" cried

The old Medic was starting to move again. "Wake up!!!" Sabrina cried.

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