Take a Hint

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A few days had passed after the whole Demicles thing failed and Cylas was now a lab rat for Knockout everything on the warship was not really chostic like it was a lot of the time before Starfire returned and other times it was.

Ever since Starfire came back quite a few Vehicons tried to hit on her and she really didn't like and the fact she was dating Bumblebee at the time it was getting onto her nervus.

The young princess was in her room playing on her resized Xbox one console play the new Sonic Forces game she got a few days ago and had been playing it for quite a while replaying it over and over. (like I have been of late XD)

She was playing her favorite level of the game before she heard a knocking on the door she looked towards it and said. "Hello?" she asked

"Starfire....you need to come out of your room." Echo said.

Starfire groaned a little. "Do I have to?" she asked sounding like a little child

"Yes." Echo replied "And don't make me get Spitfire."

Starfire stopped for a moment before she saved her game shut the Xbox one off put the controller down and came out of her room quite fast.

"No dragging by the ankles today?" Skyquake asked.

Starfire just looked at him her face showed she never wanted that to happen again.

The seeker twins chuckled at her reaction.

"Come on, let's go." Echo said as they started walking toward the Medbay.

As they were walking Starfire would hear some of the Vehicons as they passed by them she groaned a little because they were about her and how they wanted to 'date' her. "So annoying..." she said lowly.

"Ignore them as long as the guys are around no one will bother you." Echo told her.

Starfire looked at her and sighed. "I know but still. I hate it..." she replied

"I get it. Really I do." Echo said.

"I'll take your word for it." Starfire replied

Echo laughed a little. "Just ignore them. And you can help me in the medbay today."

Starfire smiled and nodded to that. "Alright." she replied

They were doing things in the medbay and Breakdown came in still wearing his eyepatch.

"Alright big man lets see how your optic is doing. Sit." Echo pointed at a medical berth.

Breakdown did what she said and sat on the berth and looked at her.

Echo walked over to him and carefully removed the eyepatch. The metal underneath was a somewhat different paler color than the rest of his face, like a scar, and he blinked and the new pale yellow optic focused and unfocused as it began to take in data.

The optic came into proper focus like his other optic and he looked at Echo with surprise. He had depth perception again!

Echo began running a few small medical tests while having Starfire help her.

The young princess was helping out Echo she smiled to see that the new optic was working for Breakdown she was quite happy for him.

"Looking good Breakdown." Echo smiled.

Breakdown smiled once he was calmed from being surprised. "Thank you Echo." he said

"You're welcome." Echo replied.

Breakdown nodded before he got up thanking them both before leaving the room.

Starfire watched before see looked over to Echo. "So... what now?" she asked

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