Daughter of Optimus Prime

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The Autobots were out looking for Decepticon activity though Optimus was still not happy about Lyra joining them he wanted to know why and he had been trying to see if he could find her and get the answer he wanted.

Optimus, Bulkhead and Bumblebee were scouting a Decepticon area coming up to a cave where they had soon spotted Lyra and Echo at the cave entrance the bots hid themselves as they looked at the two femmes.

The two femmes were talking though about what they didn't know yet.

"Oh admit it Lyra! Though he's a pain and a half when it comes to vanity you loooooove him!" Echo teased with a grin.

Lyra sighed before she looked away, Optimus was confused to what was going on.

"I love my sparkmate with all my Spark Echo... I know he can be... interesting at times." Lyra replied

"Aaah my finish!" Echo mocked dramatically putting the back of her servo over her optics "It's just a tiny scratch but it's absolutely ruined! I'm going to drive everyone nuts and have to try buffing it out for hours!" the blue femme giggled as she made fun of Knockout and his obsession with his finish.

Lyra just looked at her before she laughed a little. Optimus was even more confused now.

Echo grinned "Knockout is such a pretty boy but i swear. A complete badass one second then show him some dirt that got splattered on him and he's a complete pansy. 'Ew ew! Get it off!' Your sparkmate is such a card." Echo laughed

Optimus optics widened to hear that.

Lyra stopped laughing a little. "Yes... he is... but I still love him." she replied

"And he loves you. I dare to say he'd even get his finish completely ruined for you. Like completely and utterly scratched up and horrible."

"Yes... he would and has done it for me." Lyra replied

"Seeeeee he would sacrifice his precious looks for you... and then drive me, Breakdown and Spitfire bonkers about it later." she poked Lyra in the side

"Well that's Knockout for you..." Lyra laughed and poked her in the side.

Lyra and Echo continued to laugh and gossip about random little things on the warship pertaining to a few of their friends and making a few snide jabs at the wretched Arachnid.

"Anyway... where is your other sparkmate Echo?" Lyra asked "I haven't seen him around at all."

Optimus and the other bots looked at them confused. Echo had two sparkmates?

"I got separated from Dreadwing back during the final hours of Cybertron. I found Ravage, Rumble, and Frenzy but I couldn't find him. So we had to leave. I can feel him alive out there. I know he's trying to find me. But it always seems like we're so close yet so far... you know?" Echo sighed her audial fins drooped.

Lyra looked at her friend before she sighed. "I do know..." she replied

"It's hard. But you know... I will see him again. I can feel it. Our bond may have faded over the eons we have been apart, but it doesn't change how much I love him. It just makes me miss him more." Echo rested her servos on her chest over her spark. "I'm going to be SO happy when I see him again."

"I won't lie... I was when I came back and Found Knockout... no doubt you would be." Lyra replied

"I was ecstatic when I got Skyquake back." Echo grinned "My excitement will not be contained when I have both of my boys again." she said as she bounced a few times for emphasis.

Both? Optimus asked himself not knowing that to think right now.

Lyra sighed before she nodded. "Indeed Echo." she replied

"Just thinking about it makes me giddy." She giggled. "I know you've been kinda bummed recently Lyra. With your dad not being happy with you and all. But if he knew why you are here maybe he wouldn't be so upset..." Echo said getting more serious. "My dad understands why I'm here with the 'Cons. He might not like it. But he understands. Maybe you should tell yours. I'm sure he'll understand too."

"I don't know..." Lyra sighed

"Come on Lyra he deserves to know! You can't just let your dad think that you hate him! Cause you and I know that isn't true! And he's your dad! They may not like the decisions we make in life. And we may be on opposite sides but it doesn't mean we gotta shove them away completely. We're here for a reason Lyra. Don't leave your dad in the dark... don't let him lose you too..." pok,

Lyra looked at her again before she nodded. "You're right Echo... I should tell him..." she replied

"You'll feel better if you do." Echo smiled at her.

Lyra nodded again before she looked away, Optimus and the other two were still hiding. The Prime had wanted to come out and tell his daughter how he felt about but he remained where he was.

"I better go. Skyquake and Spitfire get nervous if I stay at the mines too long..." Echo sighed. "I'll see you later." she smiled at Lyra.

"Alright i'll see you on the ship." Lyra replied

Echo hugged her "See you on the ship." she said before walking away and transforming into a jet and flying off.

Lyra watched her leave before she turned away and walked into the cave.

"What the frag?" Bulkhead asked

:Knockout as a sparkmate... that's something I never expected...: Bee replied

Optimus didn't say anything for the moment before he looked at the two of them. "Wait here..." he said

The two bots looked at him and nodded before the prime went into the cave but also made sure he was not spotted before caught up to his daughter, he got to her grabbed and pulled her to the side.

"Whoa what the?" Lyra said suddenly

Optimus pulled her out of side before he turned her to him, Lyra's optics widened in shock to see him.

"Shhh Lyra..." he said lowly

"D-dad? W-what are you doing here?" Lyra asked

"I came looking for you..." Optimus replied

Lyra just looked at him not sure what to think. "But... I'm not..."

"Not coming back with me I know Lyra..."

Lyra froze and just looked at him funny.

"I overheard you and Echo talking..." Optimus said

"W-what?" Lyra asked

"Lyra... if you had only told me why you joined the Decepticons was because of Knockout..." Optimus started.

"I didn't then because I knew you wouldn't of wanted him and I together." Lyra snapped

Optimus just looked at her. "Lyra-."

"I sparkbonded to Knockout before he was taken away!" Lyra stated, getting mad and tears were starting to fall. "Did you expect me to abandon him when you tried to send me away I was NOT going to leave him when he needs me!"

"Lyra Look I'm sorry!" Optimus suddenly snapped back.

Lyra stopped and just looked at him not expecting him to say that.

"I should've known you two had bonded... I'm not mad now that I know Lyra... " Optimus said

Lyra just looked at him stunned to hear this.

"You're old enough to pick who you love and want to be with... all I needed to know was that your happy." Optimus continued before he hugged her.

Lyra froze again before she hugged him back and started to cry a little. "Thank you..." she whispered

"Anything for you... my stardust..." Optimus whispered.

The two of them stayed in the hug for a while before they pulled away Lyra had to return to the warship and Optimus had to leave as well they both said their goodbyes before they left to their sides of the war.

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