Deus Ex Machina

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It was after School Sabrina was outside the School waiting for Miko to get out of Detention her ride was Bulkhead today, while she waited she was talking to Echo before she and Echo looked to see someone leaning against Echo's alt mode. He was well built and blonde he wore a bomber jacket, a green t-shirt with the words 'Sky Jockey' across his chest in silver, a pair of blue jeans, and black combat boots.

"Who is that?" Sabrina asked

Echo looked at her. "Sabrina this is Skyler... my husband." she replied

Sabrina looked at her before she looked at him as he approached them.

"Hello..." she said

He looked at her and smiled. "Hello to you as well." he replied

Sabrina froze for a moment there. Was that Skyquake's voice? She asked herself. No it can't be him.

Echo looks at her. I think she remembers your voice Skyquake. She said over her bond

Seems like it... Skyquake replied

Sabrina shook her head before she looked at them again. "Sorry I was out of it for a moment..." she replied

"It's alright..." Skyquake replied "I'm guessing you're waiting for your ride?"

Sabrina sighed. "Yes... and Waiting for a classmate to get out of Detention." she replied

"Oh..." Skyquake said

"Miko always get into Detention.... Or in trouble." Sabrina replied

Echo nodded and looked at her sparkmate, they continued to talk for a bit before Bulkhead drove up into the parking lot. Skyquake froze and just stared at the Bot.

Sabrina looked at him thinking that he froze because he saw no driver in Bulk's alt mode. "Well... Looks like my ride is here. See you later Tali. Nice meeting you Skyler." she said before she ran to Bulkhead.

Bulk was listening to the heavy metal music Miko liked, Sabrina got into the Alt mode.

"Bulkhead..." she said

But he didn't hear her she sighed. "Bulkhead!" she said again

Still didn't listen to her, Sabrina huffed and shut off the Radio. "Hey I was listening to that!" he said

"Bulkhead, Talison and her Husband just saw you drive up... without anyone in the driver's seat..." Sabrina stated

Bulkhead didn't say anything to that he just froze. "Oops..." he replied

"Yeah..." Sabrina replied

Sabrina looked around before she saw that Echo and Skyquake got into her alt mode and drove off she sighed and leaned back into the seat.

"Ok they're gone... now can I listen to my music?" he asked

Sabrina sighed and nodded as she grabbed her headphones as he turned on the heavy metal music she was listening to her My Little Pony music as they waited for Miko. Suddenly Miko got into the car before Sabrina knew it they were speeding off to base.

Meanwhile Echo and Skyquake got back to the warship Echo headed for the Med bay to see where she should start when Knockout got there to help her she heard voices outside and hearing from the door open. Knockout got one look at the downed warlord and his optics went wide.

"woah" Knockout breathed and Echo sighed, shaking her helm.

Starscream and Knockout entered the room. "You well be working with Echo on this..." Starscream said before he turned to leave. "And Where are the other two? I summoned the three of you."

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