Strike Three

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Earth weeks had passed and the Autobots were waiting for Sabrina to wake up, Ratchet was the one more panicked than the others hopping he didn't screw up on fixing Sabrina and he didn't want Megatron coming after him for failing the girl.

Ratchet and Optimus were the only ones in the main area of the base, Optimus knew Ratchet was uneasy at the moment. "Ratchet!"

Ratchet and Optimus looked over as Bulkhead came to them. "She's awake." Was all he said

Ratchet looked at him happy before he ran to the Med Bay to see that Sabrina was indeed awake, she was sitting up and she held her head groaning Ratchet moved to her. "Whoa easy there Sabrina." He said

Sabrina looked up at him before she closed her eyes. "My head... is spinning." She replied

"You had lost a lot of blood Sabrina.... you have been out for weeks." Ratchet said

Sabrina stopped and looked at the old medic. "Weeks?" She asked

Ratchet nodded Sabrina just looked at him not able to form words after that she looked away. "You need more rest Sabrina... don't push yourself for a few more days." Ratchet continued

Sabrina continued to look away before she sighed. "Alright Ratchet." She replied

Ratchet then got up and left the room as Sabrina laid down again and thought to herself. Was it just a dream I was in? She asked herself

Sabrina had thought about when she was hearing Megatron's voice just after MECH captured her and after it she didn't know what to think to it, she sighed before she fell back asleep.

Meanwhile Starscream was walking down the halls growling to himself, though it had been a few months since Megatron returned to the Deceptions and he wanted nothing more than to dethrone him and rule the Cons. "One day I will be leader..." he said lowly

Starscream walked into the command centre to see Skyquake and Echo off the the side and no sign of Megatron he must be on a mission of his own, Starscream then grinned to himself. It's about time I get back at Echo. He thought

The seeker walked up to the console before he found the perfect way to get back at Echo for treating him the way she was, he was the Second in command and she was just a medic.

Starscream looked through the database before finding what he was looking for, he grinned to himself before he looked at Echo and Skyquake.

Starscream walked over to them. "Skyquake, Echo. I have a mission for you." The seeker stated.

Skyquake looked at the smaller not knowing what he was up to. "What would it be... Commander?" he asked

"An energon scouting mission. Breakdown and Spitfire are off scouting a different location. This needs to be done today or we will not meet our quota." Starscream told them.

"But commander Starscream, I just do reconnaissance for Soundwave. I'm not a real field operative like the others." Echo protested.

"I just figured you'd like to get out for a while. Stretch your wings so to speak. Seeing as how all your missions seem to be ground based and all. And you do spend so much time cooped up in the med bay."

"wouldn't be that way if someone would stop getting hurt." Echo muttered quietly.

"Beg pardon?" Starscream asked.

"I said that I'd love to get out and stretch my wings a bit, as long as nothing blows up in my medbay while i'm gone."

Starscream looked at her. "It will be untouched Echo..." he replied

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