Defqon One

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(So sorry for got to post this chapter and the bonus chapter before now I hope you like t tho)

Megatron was up above watching the havoc going on the other bots and come to help Optimus they bot out of the canyon, while the warlord just watched them he groaned before he stood up. "I can't believe I am doing this..." he said lowly. "But I need to... For Starfire's safety."

Megatron then ran to the edge jumped off Transformed and headed for the large manifestation that was getting ready to kill Optimus. "I am this world's past and its future." Unicron stated. "And as of this moment."

"NO!!!" Arcee cried

"All Primes are simply past." Unicron continued

Megatron growled before he fired at the manifestation's helm destroying it, it crumbled as it fell to the ground Megatron then flew down and Transformed before he started to walk over it. :What just happened?: Bee asked

"Wasn't me." Arcee said.

Megatron grinned to himself as he walked over the pile. "Me neither." Bulkhead said

"Ratchet." Arcee asked through the com.

::What is it? What happened?:: Ratchet asked

"I happened." Megatron shouted as he showed himself to the bots

All of the bots were stunned to this as Arcee lowered her servo leaving the comm on, Megatron then jumped off the pile and looked at them as he landed. "Megatron?!" Bulkhead asked stunned

::King 'Con is there, too?:: Miko was heard

::He has aligned himself with Unicron.:: Ratchet replied

"Don't be so sure." Arcee replied. "Megatron just saved Optimus' tailpipe."

Megatron continued to look at them before he walked over to Optimus as he was trying to get out Megatron stopped right at him and the Prime looked up at him before Megatron aimed his cannon at his helm.

The other bot stared at prepared to fire at him before he turned his servo to help Optimus, the Prime just looked at him before he took his servo and Megatron helped him up they both looked at one another before Megatron moved away a little. "It is rather ironic, considering our last encounter." he said before tu turned to him slightly. "If memory serves, you were desperately attempting to extinguish my spark." he continued as he turned to him completely.

Optimus then moved towards him. "That option remains very much in play." he said as he got to him and glared.

Megatron looked at him and grinned a little before he moved his helm a little closer to Optimus. "I would expect nothing less." he replied. "However, I have a proposal."

Optimus just looked at him as he moved away again. "Join me in defeating our shared enemy." Megatron continued before he turned towards him. "Unicron, the chaos-bringer."

Megatron smirked a little waiting for a reaction from them and boy did he get one. ::Ha! Absurd! Unicron is evil incarnate.:: stated ::If Megatron was to take any side, why would it be ours?::

Optimus sighed before he moved to Megatron a little. "Because Megatron's pride would never allow anyone other than himself to rule this planet." he said

Megatron grinned and moved to face him. "You know me all too well, Optimus." he replied

Optimus just looked at him and sighed.

"You lead an army of 'Cons." Bulkhead stated. "Why come to us?"

Megatron looked at the wrecker and moved to him. "Because this particular endeavor requires something beyond the realm of my command... The power of a Prime." he replied and pointed to Optimus

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