A Game Changer

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After Lyra, Knockout and Aurora left from the Autobot base and Megatron ordered the base's destruction and it was turned to ash fairly quickly, they were soon settling into the city fairly quickly as well every Decepticon was in the Throne room of the castle a few Autobots were there like Ratchet and Arcee.

Lyra was in one of the far corners of the room with her sister and Sparkmate holding the old datapad still in shock,Starfire, Echo, Spitfire, the seeker twins and all their human friends were close to the magenta femme as well. Aurora sighed and moved her servo to her sister's back. "It's ok..." she said

Lyra looked at her she sighed little at it again before moving towards the former warlord.

Echo looked towards the magenta femme tilting her head a little curious to what was going on, Spitfire looked at her sister then towards Lyra as well.

"Megatron." Lyra said lowly

Megatron looked towards her as well as everyone else near him he was about to respond when he noticed the data pad in her servos he recognized it immediately turning towards her. "What have you got there?" He asked

Lyra sighed before lifting her servo towards him hanging him the data pad. "I found this in Optimus Prime's quarters of the Autobot Base... it was unopened..."

Ratchet moved closer to the former warlord looking at the data pad. "Wait a minute." He said

"It's the note from Starfire..." Soundwave said with audio recordings.

Starfire looked towards her sire funny hearing her name while Spitfire and Echo knew exactly who they were talking about.

"He never opened it?" Megatron asked looking down at it.

"He did not... Lyra and I did and what is on it needs to be heard." Aurora replied

Megatron looked at the coloured femme then to Soundwave the silent mech nodded before taking it, Starfire moved towards her sire still quite confused. "Sire... I don't understand."

Megatron looked at her he sighed before moving his servo to her face. "I never told you where your carrier and I got your name from..." he said calmly.

"Like you never told us why you named her after Our Sparkmates sister." Ratchet said

Megatron looked to the old Autobot medic he sighed before Soundwave got the datapad to play and broad casted it to everyone in the room, once it played everyone was in shock to what was said Megatron and Ratchet more than others Knockout froze and his face made him look like he was freaking out. Lyra looked over to her Sparkmate feeling his uneasiness before realizing why he was like this.

Knockout calm down. Lyra said to him threw their bond.

How can I? You know what this means? Knockout asked her

Lyra just sighed and nodded. I know already my love.

"Prime And Starfire were Sparkmates?" Megatron asked in shock not sure how to take this.

"He never told any of us..." Ratchet replied just as shocked as everyone else.

Aurora looked at them unimpressed. "You didn't know?" She asked. "I thought it would have been obvious to you."

"It was not... your sire was not the same after Starfire's death, when you disappeared it was far worse nearly kept himself away thankfully Wildfire kept us all together before her untimely death." Ratchet said sounding quite said saying that.

The Decepticon Princess was is too much shock to all of this. I-I am named after Optimus' Sparkmate? She thought before looking at Lyra and Aurora. "Does this mean... we are related?"

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