Out of His Head

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It was. It long after Arcee and Bumblebee had returned to the base after getting the cure of the Cybonic Plague, Ratchet was checking up on Optimus. "Follow the light." He said as he used the flashlight.

Optimus' optic was following it. "Good, good." Ratchet continued before he put it away. "I wouldn't advice anything strenuous, Optimus, but it appears that your systems have fully recovered from the Cybonic plague."

Optimus looked down as the arms of the large cylinder moved away from him. "Thanks to your medical expertise, old friend." He replied

Ratchet smiled before he turned to Bumblebee, Arcee and Sabrina. "It was your scout who braved unknown territory to locate the cure." He said

:It wasn't just me.: Bumblebee beeped

"Lucky for us, Megatron was still alive." Arcee replied

Bumblebee and Sabrina looked at her. :Did you really just say that?: he beeped

"Yeah, I actually said that." Arcee replied

"Never expected that." Sabrina said

"What matters is that you are on the mend, Optimus, while Megatron..." Ratchet replied

:Yeah Arcee blew off Megatron's life support.: Bumblebee beeped

"He's right, did my best to finish Megatron's story. Just couldn't stick around long enough to see how it ended." Arcee replied

Without the bots noticing Bumblebee shook a little before he walked away Sabrina was the one that noticed and she went to follow him. 'It is a matter of time before Optimus discovers all is not right with you, scout.'

Sabrina stopped and looked up. 'I must reclaim my body, which means taking complete and total control of yours.'

That voice again it sould a lot like Megatron's she didn't know what to think, Sabrina moved to Bee and touched his pede. "Bee." She said

Bumblebee stopped and looked her. "You alright?" She asked

:Yes...: Bumblebee beeped

Sabrina just looked at him. "A-alright." She replied

Bumblebee smiled at her before he walked off, Sabrina watched him leave she was worried about him she cared for him and she didn't want to see him getting hurt. The next day the kids, Bumblebee and Bulkhead were playing a earth game. "Basketball by way of Cybertron, let the games begin!" Miko said

She blew a whistle and the two bots started to play Sabrina and Rafael were cheering on Bumblebee while Miko was of course for Bulkhead, Bumblebee then tried to shot it in but Bulkhead got it and threw it in. "Yeah! Go Bulk!" Said

The ball rolled towards Bulkhead and he turned to Bumblebee. "Come on best two out of three." He said

Bulkhead threw it at Bee and he started to run to the net. "Bee you're into the clear!" Sabrina called.

"Dunk it Bee!" Rafael stated

But suddenly he stopped and stood there for a good few seconds. "Bumblebee, quite hogging the ball." Bulkhead Said

Bumblebee then threw it to Bulkhead almost like. 'you want here have it' it was really strange and Sabrina was really the only one that was seeing this Miko blew the whistle again. "Eh, flagrant foul!" She stated

"Dodge ball by way of Cybertron." Jack replied

"Bee hoop's over there." Bulkhead said pointing at it.

Bee looked at way. :Oh oops sorry, Bulkhead.: he beeped

"Bee you ok?" Raf asked

:Yes I am. three of Five?: Bumblebee beeped

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