Fated Path

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For the rest of the day after Soundwave and Starfire were found together in the princess' room, Spitfire had kept her watch on The two of them even though Soundwave was with his sister for the past few hours he apologized when he found her.

Starfire was still slightly embarrassed by the whole situation and of what her sire said to her, she shook her helm to the thought again before looking down at the predacon beside her smiling and petting Dekota's helm.

"Guuuyyyysssss!!!" Echo said loudly, grabbing Starfire's shoulders and using the princess to bolster her height. Her wings were fanned out and she was looking quite distressed.

"Tali! What the frag?!" Starfire stated before seeing her faceplate. "What's wrong?"

"He's still not back." Tali said gaining the attention of the rest of the bots and cons in the room.

"The dragon Predacon?" Starfire asked getting up.

Dekota tensed up hearing the mention of that Predicon but she was not going to act on any of it.

Echo hopped away and put her hands on her helm. "He should have been back. Or at least checked in at one of the outposts."

"He's just a beast Echo... he's not that smart." Lyra said gently

"You take that back!" Echo snapped her optics turning orange.

Dekota didn't seem to like Lyra's words other she let out a growl, Starfire looked down at her. "I don't think Dekota agrees with you Lyra..." she said

Lyra looked at the Trico Predacon seeing the body language of it, before looking back at Echo.

"They are not beasts. They are babies. They don't know much yet. They have to learn." Echo snapped

Lyra was silent for the most part she didn't know how to respond to that,

Starfire sighed petting Dekota's helm a little calming the Trio Predacon down a little. "Lyra... from what I have gathered from the data Aurora gave me... Echo is right." she said calmly

"Riiiiight." Lyra replied skeptical of what she was being told.

Starfire groaned seeing she wasn't able to convince her. "We still have to find him... something is telling me we do..."

Dekota looked up at Starfire still quite clear she didn't like the dragon Predacon.

"I have his location." Shockwave stated from over at one of the terminals. "It appears that he is not moving."

Starfire looked over to the one optic mech. "That doesn't sound good." She said looking towards Echo.

"Ooooh!" Echo whined

Megatron sighed "very well. We will go retrieve the- Predacon."

The Decepticon princess looked carefully at her sire she knew he would make Echo angry if he said the wrong thing, he was choosing his words carefully.

"Just in case whatever downed the dragon is there... hmmm..." something whispered to Megatron's subconcious "someone go retrieve the forge. Lyra."

The femme seemed to froze to that a few noticed it clearly while others did not, Lyra nodded before she left.

Starfire was confused before she looked at Echo again. "Was is just me or did she freeze a little there?" She whispered

"Seems she may have" Aurora agreed.

Starfire looked at her for a moment before looking away to think for a moment, sometime later Lyra returned with Knockout and Breakdown but she was not holding the Forge Megatron was going to say something before Breakdown came in with it in his servos and he seemed to look at Lyra before heading towards the former warlord.

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