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Echo, Megatron and Soundwave were flying to the ship Echo having Sabrina, Miko and Rafael the two of them were still unsure about this but Rafael was calming down a bit.

Sabrina was all too excited when the warship came into view finally she was back home, when they got onto the ship Echo transformed and she held the three of them in her arms as Megatron and Soundwave got to the ship as well and Transformed.

Echo let the kids down and the first thing Sabrina did was run to her sire, Megatron saw her coming he then activated his holoform as she ran into his arms and hugged him and he hugged her back.

Miko and Rafael just looked at this unable to think when they say this but it was making so much sense to them now.

"I missed you so much." Sabrina cried a little.

"I know... I did too." Megatron replied trying to calm her down

The two of them remained in each other's arms before pulling away, Megatron's hand were on both sides of Sabrina's head. "I'm just glad you're alright." He said

Sabrina smiled Megatron then kissed her forehead before he deactivated his halo from and laid his servo to his daughter, Sabrina climbed onto it and he lifted her up before the warlord noticed Miko and Rafael.

The three of them looked at each other before Megatron looked at Echo. "I thought I said to only get Starfire..." he said

"It was either bring them or let them get squished. I wasn't about to let my and Sabrina's friends go splat so deal with it." Echo said before picking Miko and Raf back up and holding them like small children as she walked off into the warship.

Most of the cons stared at Echo in shock to that while Dreadwing, Skyquake, Megatron and Sabrina looked at her for a whole different reason.

"Well then..." Megatron said lowly

Sabrina just started before she started to laugh, Megatron looked at his daughter before he sighed and walked into the Warship with the others.

Echo moved through the Warship and went to the officer's lounge and carefully set Miko and Raf down on a table. "You two stay right here. I'll be right back. I gotta find something." she said before leaving the two children alone on the large table.

The two kids just looked at one another. "What just happened?" Raf asked

"I wish I knew Raf..." Miko replied

The two of them just remained where they were for there was no way they were going to get down from ware Echo had placed them.

Meanwhile Sabrina was on Megatron's shoulder on the bridge of the warship the young girl was really happy to be back with her sire but again she was concerned about Miko and Rafael now that they were on the ship, Echo soon entered the bridge and the warlord looked at her.

Sabrina did as well. "Tali..." she said

Megatron turned towards her as she came to him. "Might I ask why and how you even scanted those two humans alone with Starfire?" He asked

"Like I said before one of the vehicons nearly fell onto them I wasn't going to let them he squashed." Echo replied

Megatron just looked at her he was about to say something before she spoke up again.

"This could work to our advantage though." Echo said

That caught Megatron's interest. "Really? And why would that be?" He asked

"Optimus will come to get Sabrina back. So we show the children that she belongs here. And maybe they can help us convince Optimus that she belongs here on the Warship." Echo replied.

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