Memories: Warfare

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Megatron was walking through the halls of the Warship thinking to himself of how he was going to get her on the ship but then he started to walk by the officer's lounge before he suddenly heard.


He stopped and looked at the door that was Starfire's voice he heard. "No Sabrina stop I need to kill- NO!" Echo cried, Skyquake and Spitfire were laughing their helms off.

Megatron then went to open the door and look inside. "I'm sorry I am a Demon Hunter. Must. Kill. DEMONS!!!!!!!!!" Sabrina said

Megatron moved inside to see Echo on one of the laptop-like devices with something he did not recognize on the screen he looked to see Skyquake and Spitfire on them as well though Skyquake was not doing whatever Spitfire and Echo were doing. "I'm a Demon Hunter too and I'M the Tank you the DPS Let me kill things!" Echo cried

"Mmmmmm Nope!" Sabrina said

Spitfire and Skyquake were still laughing and Skyquake fell onto the floor from laughing too hard, Megatron just looked around. "What is going on here?" he asked

Skyquake then stopped and looked at the warlord Echo and Spitfire glanced over to him while Sabrina though a call was still laughing and killing things, Echo then quickly muted her side before she looked at Megatron. "Lord Megatron... we didn't know you were here..." she said

Megatron just looked at her. "I heard Starfire and wanted to know what was going on... why was she yelling die over and over?" he asked

"Oh just a game she got Spitfire and I into..." Echo replied looking over to her sister

"World of Warcraft, my lord..." Spitfire continued

Megatron looked a little amused. "I see... if you don't mind I would like to see this myself..." he replied

Spitfire and Echo just looked at him before they nodded Megatron then moved closer before he sat down, Echo unmuted the call and continued to play the game. "Sorry Sabrina we're back and STOP killings things!" she stated

All she got in response was more laughter from Sabrina as she was killing a lot of things without them. "Well what am I supposed to do when they respawn on top of us?" Sabrina asked

Echo growled in frustration before she found a mob now being attacked she moved her Character towards it to attack but then Spitfire grinned ran to it and killed it before she got there, Echo stopped and looked over to Spitfire. "Spitfire not you too!!!!!" she cried

Both Sabrina and Spitfire lost it while Megatron had no idea what to think he just watched. "Come on Tali we're just messing with you." Sabrina stated

Echo looked at the screen before she looked unamused. "You two planned this out didn't you?" she asked

Sabrina laughed again. "Yes..." Spitfire replied laughing

Skyquake chuckled to that he was still on the floor Echo got up from her seat moved to Spitfire and smacked her upside the helm, Spitfire looked at her sister before she grinned. "Love you too." she said

Echo just rolled her optics before she glared at Skyquake. "Are you done laughing over there Sky? You've still got that paper to do for history. Its due tomorrow you know. I had it done last week."

Skyquake stopped and looked at her before he got up. "He's not done yet? Holy frag Sky is the lord of procrastination..." Sabrina called through the call.

Echo and Spitfire looked at Echo's screen before they started to laugh while Megatron looked at at Skyquake, he got up from the floor and and returned to his working area to continue his work Megatron grinned to himself before he looked at Echo as she sat down.

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